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Chapter 13: European Middle Ages

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1 Chapter 13: European Middle Ages

2 Chapter 13 Overview

3 Section 1: Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms
Middle Ages: 500 – 1500 Roots in classical heritage of Rome (and thus, Greece) beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church customs of various Germanic tribes 5th Century: took over western Roman Emp. Disrupted trade Cities abandoned Population shifts—now more rural

4 Effects on Language, Learning from Germanic Invasions
Levels of learning dropped German speaking peoples + Latin Very few could still read/write Latin/Greek Changed Latin, as it mixed with local langs. Priests and a few officials were literate Thus French, Spanish, other Romantic langs. Germanic tribes rich in oral tradition, though

5 Germanic Kingdoms Merge
German peoples had loyalty to family; lived in small communities – very different than Romans Germanic chiefs led bands in wartime During peace, lived together where chief provided for them Loyalty to local leader only—not emperor/king Clovis Frankish leader (Franks are French, Swiss) Converted to Christianity on the battlefield Army also converted United Franks into one kingdom Made an alliance with Church (pope)

6 Germans Adopt Christianity
Monasteries (and convents) for monks and nuns Live away from regular life Study the world Live in poverty Study Word, serve God, copy Bible Benedict (Benedictines) started a particular order w/specific rules, dress, etc. Others include Franciscans, Augustinians, etc. Pope Gregory I turned papacy into a secular power involved in politics Spent money on armies, buildings, helped poor, negotiated treaties, more Pope Gregory I leads a plague procession praying for respite from the plague: 15th Century.

7 An Empire Evolves Europe mostly divided into kingdoms
I really prefer the sword over the hammer… Europe mostly divided into kingdoms Major domo: “mayor of the palace” Most powerful person in Frankish kingdom Led armies, controlled money, ruled kingdom Charles Martel Defended Christian kingdoms (Christendom) from Muslim raiders (from Spain) in Battle of Tours in 732 Prevent western Euro from becoming Islamic Son Pepin the Short fought Lombards Called “king by the grace of God”  Carolingian Dynasty ruled Franks from

8 Charlemagne Charles the Great Pepin’s son Tall!
Built largest empire since Rome Spread Christianity when conquered Reunited western Europe By 800—empire larger than Byzantine Was crowned “Roman Emperor” by Pope Leo III Political power of a pope?!

9 Was he all that “Great”? Limited power of nobles
Send out royal agents, but also traveled himself “Just rule is a must!” Encouraged learning Scholars from all over Europe Created a palace school Monastic schools opened So the answer to the question………….. YES! Right before he died, left crown to his son. His sons divided empire into 3 kingdoms…uh oh…lost power and feudalism develops.

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