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Oops... Name:____________________________________

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Presentation on theme: "Oops... Name:____________________________________"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oops... Name:____________________________________
Each page would take me 6 minutes in the classroom with this time breakdown. 1 min- 30 seconds brainstorm seconds TT min share min draw Everyone Take 10 seconds and write your name at the top of your paper! Say Oops! – I was asking you to draw an arrow but look what happened? Let’s brainstorm for a moment what we think this could be…. a car a rocketship on the side an ice cream on a stick Now you get four minutes to turn this oops into something beautiful!

2 Oops... Everyone say oops! I was asking you to color in the shape -- but oops! Look what happened? Let’s brainstorm what this could be… Batman flying through the night sky a bird turn it upside down and it could be a castle! Now you get 4 minutes to turn this oops into something beautiful!

3 Oops... Everyone say oops! I was asking you to draw a house but OOPS! look what happened! Let’s brainstorm for a moment what we think this could be…. an elephant taking a nap a bowl of fruit Now you get four minutes to turn this oops into something beautiful!

4 Oops... Everyone say oops! I was asking you to draw outer space but OOPS! look what happened! Let’s brainstorm for a moment what we think this could be…. a amiley face a person with stars for hands wearing pants Now you get four minutes to turn this oops into something beautiful!

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