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The 60´s in Spain.

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1 The 60´s in Spain

2 History The dictatorship of Francisco Franco took another character from 1957 with the entry of technocrats of Opus Dei that implemented a stabilization plan . Despite the profound economic and social changes of the sixties , immobility characterized the politics of the period .

3 More history… In 1962 first major strikes appeared in Asturias , Cataluña, Andalucía and País Vasco, which were bigger in the 1970s . The University was also one of the main centers of anti-Franco opposition

4 Family Until the 60´s women only do houseworks, but then it started to change. New kinds of families appear in this decade. But the men were still in charge of bringing the main income.

5 Gastronomy Refrigerators and pressure cookers appeared in Spanish´kitchens and with them, a new way to cook. In the 60s there was no cereals, they used to have bread for breakfast. Cheaper chicken meat made ​​it happen from a luxury to a staple food . In the late 60s, the Spanish diet was recognized model of Mediterranean diet.

6 Education 17,1% of adult population didn’t know to write and to read.
The progress in the educational system depended heavily on social class and rural or urban environment. Only 3% of students came to university and very few of them came from working class families. Public education had very little weight in high school. Only a 21 % of students went to public schools. The others went to religious schools or studied in their own way.

7 Sports In the 60s, the most practised sports in Spain were football, basketball and tennis. Spanish athletes had a lot of achievements. Examples: Manuel Santana won Roland Garros 3 times, the USA Open, Wimbledon and Single Olympics in this decade. Spain won the Euro in 1964.

8 Sports

9 Society Ye-yé´s generation.
Ye- Ye is a concept that became fashionable in the Spain of the 60 to qualify the type of music and attitude of youth of that time influenced by British pop and French.

10 Society How did this movement start?
Tourists bring new customs and ways of modern life. Reaches more information on what is happening outside. The tragedies that traumatized previous generations (Civil War , famine and repression of war ) are increasingly distant in time.

11 Society The unifying element of this new generation was pop music.
The most famous group was Los Bravos.

12 Society The parties were called: “guateques”
The new generation ye- yé Spanish established a series of icons: pop music, guateques , the miniskirt , the bangs ...

13 Music

14 “Youth’s Memories Box” ref. no. 2015-2-RO01- KA105-015435
project financed by the European Comission, through Erasmus+ program, implemented from 1st August 2015 to 30th April 2016 by 2 promoters- Asociatia Act Integration, from Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania and the Youth department of the Council of Albacete, Spain. The KA1 youth exchange activity will take place in Romania, between 12th-22nd December 2015 This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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