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Student: Jianan He Surperviser:DR Paul Ewart

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1 Using Titanium metal to design components for vessel in marine environment
Student: Jianan He Surperviser:DR Paul Ewart Centre for Engineering and Industrial Design Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand Material corrosion properties Copper The resistance of all grades of copper to atmospheric corrosion is good. All copper metals react quickly to their environment and form a film of surface oxidation. Steel All steels and low-alloy steels rust in moist atmospheres. In some circumstances, the addition of 0.3% copper to carbon steel can reduce the rate of rusting by one quarter or even by one half Stainless Steel stainless steels usually have poor corrosion resistance in low-oxygen environments. Aluminum The oxide skin gives aluminum its high resistance to corrosion. Unless exposed to some substance or condition that destroys this protective oxide coating, the metal remains fully protected against corrosion. Brass The zinc component of brass is easily lost when it comes into contact with sea water, causing the brass to easily corrode. This occurs when the zinc corrodes, leaving a copper shell remaining, that is generally quite weak. Corrosion resistance of Brass will decrease as zinc content increases. Titanium When titanium are exposure to air or humid environment, the useful surface oxide film will be formed immediately(n.d,2001). ABSTRACT The research investigates in utilizing titanium metal to design and build the components for the ocean going vessel to confront marine environment. The project is to be offered to the Earthrace Conservation that is public profit organization so that using for an ocean going vessel (ER 2) to achieve their global activity for marine protection. Earthrace 2 INTRODUCTION The main aim of this report is to outline the properties of titanium metal in aggressive marine environments and corrosion properties of different material pipes. Design and draw the pipe brackets and hinges of using titanium metal so that improving the good looking and performance for the Earthrace vessel. Using Titanium metal looks like good material to produce components that can conduce to protect environment and develop sustainability. Pipe use on the vessel Outside Diameter(mm) Internal Diameter(mm) Handrail 48.3 40.9 Kitchen sink drain 60.3 52.5 Engine room 88.9 73.7 Photographs How to calculate the pipe mass which loaded on the Bracket: F(pipe)=ρ×L×A×g 𝐴=𝑇× 𝐷−𝑇 ×𝜋 corrosion Bracket Load analysis of pipe bracket and hinge Limitation Hinge No enough time to go to workshop to do a real prototype METHODOLOGIES Review literature about the properties of Titanium Select components Design components Model components Mechanical analysis CONCLUSION The main reason for choosing Titanium metal to build the component due to the excellent resistance to corrosion and the lightweight which are good benefits to support the pipe and revolt the marine environments like waves and currents. Have the design of bracket and hinge which to be used on the ocean going vessel According to lean about the corrosion properties of other materials ,we can see the corrosion resistance of Titanium is better than other materials. The titanium alloys has specificity on excellent corrosion resistance due to the metal surface forms steady, consistent, highly adherent, and defensive oxide films ANALYSIS Titanium metal has vast of the mechanical properties of superior strength to conventional metals ,excellent corrosion resistance in aggressive marine environments. The pipe bracket is a designed idea that exchange load from pipe to supporting structure. It could use in the galley, engine room and Bunk room. A hinge is a mechanical bearing that connects two solid objects, typically allowing only a limited angle of rotation between them. The corrosion properties of each material. References: Lundquist, Edward. (2012). U.S. Navy: The Business Case for a Titanium Ship. :  (n.d.). Marine Hardware. : Reid, J.P ( April 7,1995). Time for Titanium Piping on Navy ships? 32nd Annual Technical Symposium: Association of Scientists and Engineers. Acknowledgement or Contact: I would like to acknowledge and thank Paul eward for helping me investigate this project without his input this project would have not been possible.

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