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Drill – January 3, 2011 1) Name the light absorbing chemical in plants? 2) What organelle is this chemical found in? 3) Write out the equation for photosynthesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Drill – January 3, 2011 1) Name the light absorbing chemical in plants? 2) What organelle is this chemical found in? 3) Write out the equation for photosynthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill – January 3, 2011 1) Name the light absorbing chemical in plants? 2) What organelle is this chemical found in? 3) Write out the equation for photosynthesis. 4) What are the 2 reactions of photosynthesis? 5) Name the products of each and where each reaction takes place.

2 Answers! 1) Chlorophyll (green pigment) 2) Chloroplast
3) 6CO2 + 6H20 + sunlight  C6H O2 4) Light Reaction and Calvin Cycle 5) Light Reaction = Oxygen; Thylakoid Calvin Cycle = Glucose; Stroma

3 Vocabulary To Know Transpiration = Evaporation of water from leaves
Chemosynthesis = A process that produces food using energy from inorganic compounds, without sunlight. -Example: used by bacteria on hydrothermal vents in the ocean

4 Aerobic = With Oxygen Aerobic Respiration occurs when oxygen is present. Anaerobic = Without Oxygen Fermentation occurs when oxygen is not present.

5 Producer = Autotrophs that make their own food and store it as Starch.
Examples = grass, trees, plants Consumer = Heterotrophs that need to consume other things for food and store it as Glycogen. Examples = rabbits, foxes, humans, animals

6 Chemiosmosis = A process where the chloroplast and mitochondria use the electron transport chain to produce a lot of ATP.

7 Diagram of the Process Occurs across Cristae Occurs in Cytoplasm
Occurs in Matrix

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