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Play Deprivation.

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1 Play Deprivation

2 Think…. “As we move into the twenty first century, and children become the target of increasing social expectations, and as their childhood time is increasingly spoken for by adults, the need for them to have a space which is theirs, in which they can reflect on their lives and interact playfully with their world, increases in urgency by the minute.” (Hughes 2001 p.246)

3 Factors…… The risk adverse society Adult attitudes to playing outdoors
Change in play patterns Extinction of Experience Declining quality of outdoor play spaces Can you think of anything else…..? (Lester and Maudsley 2007)

4 Activity….In small groups
What do you think could be the consequences on children’s health and well being of play and leisure deprivation? 0-2yrs 3-5yrs 6-9yrs 10-13yrs 14-16yrs 17-19yrs

5 Impact of play deprivation
Hughes (2001) Study of play deprivation suggests the impact of reducing children’s opportunity for play may have potentially adverse effects on development Hughes (2001 p.217) refers to the extreme of play deprivation as a “chronic lack of sensory interaction with the world, a form of sensory deprivation.”

6 Frost (2010) Play deprivation leads to… Physical and emotional illness
Depression Violence Diminished impulse control Addictive predilections Low school achievement Lack of social skills “The work of neuroscientists shows that play builds brains and play deprivation can change them in remarkable ways” (Frost 2010 p.6)

7 Parents view…. Watch the video
What do you think the parents role is to prevent deprivation of play experiences?

8 Teenagers…. In what ways do you think the issues identified in the video are be linked to: A lack of leisure activities in the local area What do you think are positive activities that teenagers could participate in?



11 Assignment questions….
Have you chosen a context Ensure you read around this context Think of the benefits of play/leisure in this context Think of some of the challenges What have you learnt from this? Any questions……..

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