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Free and Easy Captioning- Making our videos accessible for all.

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Presentation on theme: "Free and Easy Captioning- Making our videos accessible for all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free and Easy Captioning- Making our videos accessible for all.
Kelly Dermody, Ryerson University Accessibility Services & E-Learning

2 Why we Caption = AODA Information & Communication Standard
Website compliance under WCAG 2.0 Level AA Access to Training materials Access to Library Materials From #captionTHIS

3 I’m making a video and I WILL Caption it!
TIME MANAGEMENT FIRST RULE: Write a script and try to stick to it! This will save you time and frustration! Work captions into your project management Budget time for adding the captions Products like Camtasia and Captivate have a built-in captioning tool Captivate Guide on the Side

4 I’m making a video and I WILL Caption it!
I made a video without captions now what? Writing your script and captioning after the fact = budget 1 hour per 10 minutes to write, 1-3 hours to add captions to the video WAIT: What about a video with only music and words - no voice? Provide a transcript and description in a Word Docx for users with visual disabilities. OTHER STUFF? *Last minute - Provide a Word Docx with the script. *Professional captioning = 300$ for 2 hour video

5 Free Captioning Tools YouTube Vimeo Uses Amara - free captioning tool
Upload your Video Type in your script YouTube will add the time stamps You can edit the time stamps You can download the caption file (.SRT) Vimeo Uses Amara - free captioning tool Load your video into Vimeo Advanced Settings - Amara Editor Type in your script - Amara will help with the time stamps. Amara offers professional captioners($$) and volunteers **Youtube’s own captions are useless - do not rely on them!

6 Captioning made free & easy with YouTube

7 Upload your Video and Click on Video Manager

8 Click on Edit - Choose Subtitles and CC

9 Click on “Add new Subtitles or CC

10 Click on “Transcribe and auto-sync

11 Listen and type in the box - when done click “Set Timings”
** Or paste in your script that your wrote beforehand.

12 Voila! You now have captions!

13 Become a Captioning / Accessibility Ambassador!
Image of superhero Librarian from:

14 Resources How to Caption with YouTube
Amara - Free Captioning Tool (use with Vimeo videos) WAVE website accessibility Evaluator W3 List of Website accessibility evaluation tools Describe Your Images (Alt Tags) Creating Accessible Documents (NCDAE)

15 Questions? Please feel free to contact me! Kelly Dermody
Image of question mark Please feel free to contact me! Kelly Dermody

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