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EU/EEA Programmes Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and EEA EFTA Participation Egill Eyjolfsson, EFTA Secretariat - IMD.

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Presentation on theme: "EU/EEA Programmes Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and EEA EFTA Participation Egill Eyjolfsson, EFTA Secretariat - IMD."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU/EEA Programmes Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and EEA EFTA Participation
Egill Eyjolfsson, EFTA Secretariat - IMD

2 1. Programmes and the EEA Agreement 2
1. Programmes and the EEA Agreement 2. Main Themes of the MFF 3. Financial Implications for the EEA EFTA States 4. Assessment, Procedural Considerations and Timeline.The EU and the EEA side

3 Two kinds of EEA cooperation Participation in EU programmes
Homogeneity of legislation The four freedoms Free movement of Goods, Free movement of services Free movement of capital Free movement of persons Competition, State Aid and Public Procurement Flanking and horizontal policies Environment Gender Equality Labour law Consumer protection Company law Statistics Health and Safety Participation in EU programmes Research and technological development Information Services The environment Education, training and youth Social Policy Small and medium sized enterprises, Tourism Audiovisual sector Civil protection

4 Co-operation outside the Four Freedoms
The Parties shall strengthen and broaden cooperation on matters falling outside of the four freedoms. (Part VI, Art. 78) Participation in EU programmes is a key instrument for cooperation in a wide range of areas.

5 EU => EEA Programmes
Identification of Programmes which are likely to further the objectives of the EEA Agreement. Participation takes the form of association to the Individual Policy Programmes under the EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Inclusion into the Agreement along with financial modalities for payments.

6 Rights of EEA EFTA States
Full and equal access to all parts of an EU programme or activity. At project level, persons and organisations from the EEA EFTA States have the same rights and obligations as those applicable to persons in the EU Member States. The EEA EFTA States can participate fully and equally in the Committees assisting the Commission in the management and development of a Programme. Where cooperation takes the form of participation by EEA EFTA States in an EU framework programme, specific programme, project or other action, the EEA EFTA States shall have access to all parts of the programme (Article 81(a)). At the project level, institutions, undertakings, organisations and nationals of EEA EFTA States shall have the same rights and obligations in the EU programme or other action in question as those applicable to partner institutions, undertakings, organisations and nationals of EU Member States (Article 81 (d)). The EEA EFTA States, their institutions, undertakings, organisations and nationals shall also have the regarding dissemination, evaluation and exploitation of results as those applicable to EU Member States, their institutions, undertakings, organisations and nationals (Article 81(e)).

7 Obligations of EEA EFTA States
Obligations as set out in the EU Programme and Financial Regulations Financial Contribution from the EEA EFTA States to the EU Programme Budgets

8 EU Programmes 2007-2013 Participation in 16 Programmes
Total EEA EFTA Commitments of 1.7 Billion euro 7th Research Framework Programme (FP 7) Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) Lifelong learning (LLL) Culture Youth in Action Media Daphne: Combating violence Employment and Social Solidarity (Progress) Health Consumer Safer Internet Marco Polo II Rapid response instrument for major emergencies Civil Protection Erasmus Mundus Statistics

9 EU Programmes 2014-2020 Participation in 13 Programmes
Total EEA EFTA Commitments of 1.7 Billion euro Horizon 2020 Erasmus+ Implementation and exploitation of European satellite navigation systems (EGNOS and Galileo) Copernicus Creative Europe Connecting Europe Facility (ICT Part) Health for Growth Union Civil Protection Mechanism European Statistical Programme (ESP) Employment and Social Innovation Consumer Programme Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) Rights, Equality and Citizenship

10 EU Programmes ?

11 Main Themes EU MFF

12 EU MFF 2021–2027 Content Structure Challenges
Less on traditional Cohesion Policy and the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) More on Erasmus+, Research and Innovation and actions for the development and operation of the Internal Market More on Defense and Security Structure Consolidation and restructuring of Programmes (from 58 to 37) Challenges Brexit

13 Changes in Priorities


1 Research & Innovation Horizon Europe International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Euratom Research & Training Programme 2 European Strategic Investments InvestEU Fund Connecting Europe Facility Digital Europe Programme (incl. Cybersecurity) 3 Single Market Single Market Programme (incl. Competitiveness and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - COSME, Food Safety, Statistics, Consumer, Competition and Administrative Cooperation) EU Anti-Fraud Programme Cooperation in the Field of Taxation (FISCALIS) Cooperation in the Field of Customs (CUSTOMS) 4 Space European Space Programme 5 Regional Development & Cohesion European Regional Development Fund Cohesion Fund Support to the Turkish-Cypriot Community 6 Economic & Monetary Union Reform Support Programme including the Reform Delivery Tool and Convergence Facility Protection of the Euro Against Counterfeiting 7 Investing in People, Social Cohesion & Values European Social Fund + (incl. EaSI & Health) ERASMUS+ European Solidarity Corps Justice, Rights & Values Creative Europe (incl. MEDIA) European Solidarity Fund European Investment Stabilisation Function Globalization Adjustment Fund

IV MIGRATION & BORDER MANAGEMENT III NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT 8 Agriculture & Maritime Policy European Agricultural Guarantee Fund European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development European Maritime & Fisheries Fund 9 Environment & Climate Action Programme for Environment & Climate Action (LIFE) 10 Migration Asylum & Migration Fund 11 Border Management Integrated Border Management Fund European Border and Coast Guard (Frontex) 25% climate mainstreaming across the EU Budget VI NEIGHBOURHOOD & THE WORLD V SECURITY & DEFENCE 15 External Action* Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (incl. external aspects of migration) Humanitarian Aid Common Foreign & Security Policy Overseas Countries and Territories (including Greenland) 16 Pre-Accession Assistance Pre-Accession Assistance 12 Security Internal Security Fund Nuclear Decommissioning (Lithuania) Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning (incl. for Bulgaria and Slovakia) 13 Defence European Defence Fund Connecting Europe Facility - Military Mobility 14 Crisis Response Union Civil Protection Mechanism (rescEU) European Peace Facility *The European Peace Facility is an off - budget fund outside the Financial Framework Emergency Aid Reserve


18 Financial Implications for the EEA EFTA States

19 Contribution to the EEA Budget
EEA Agreement Article 82, Protocol 32. MFF 2007 – 2013 (1.7 Billion) MFF 2014 – 2021 (3.2 Billion)

20 Proportional Contributions
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2.28% 2.39% 2.40% 2.52% 2.38% 2.60% 2.80% 3.03% 2.97% 2.76% 2.47% 2.36% 2.42% Ice 0.11% 0.12% 0.08% 0.07% 0.09% 0.10% 0.14% Lie 0.02% 0.03% 0.04% Nor 2.15% 2.25% 2.26% 2.41% 2.49% 2.69% 2.92% 2.86% 2.64% 2.34% 2.21% 2.24%

21 Contribution to the EEA Budget
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 131,816 190,139 206,080 218,433 206,082 241,222 307,556 316,349 425,775 402,902 363,817 x 1000 euro

22 Financial Impact on EEA EFTA Contribution
Decrease in focus on Cohesion and the CAP - Outside of the scope of EEA EFTA Participation Increase in commitments towards Internal Market initiatives and Programmes - areas where EEA EFTA Participates => Absolute Increase in EEA Contribution

23 Financial Impact on EEA EFTA Contribution
UK’s departure - Currently carries around 15% of the EU28 GDP Recalculating the 2019 proportionality factor on the basis of the EU27 GDP - EEA EFTA contribution = 2.83% (2.42% EU28) => Relative Increase in EEA Contribution.

24 Assessment, Procedural Considerations and Timeline The EU and the EEA side

25 2018 – 2021 To Do List: Identification of Programmes
Assessment of Programmes Shaping/Influencing of Programmes Notifying EC of Participation Inclusion of Programme Regulations Implementation

26 EEA Relevant Programmes
14 Programmes in assessment Programmes in a wide range of policy areas are being assessed under the EFTA WG structure, in parallel with National processes. EEA EFTA Comments have been provided as input to the EU Legislative procedure. Estimated EEA EFTA Commitments Full participation in all Programmes is estimated to potentially require a commitment of around 6,2 billion euro. Identifying the parts where participation is less likely the estimated baseline commitment more likely to be approx. 4.5 billion.

27 Programmes MFF 2021-2027 Creative Europe Horizon Europe ERASMUS
Digital Europe (incl. Cyber Security) Connecting Europe Facility European Space Programme Single Market Programme European Social Fund Rights & Values (Justice, Rights & Values Fund) European Defence Fund Union Civil Protection Mechanism Invest EU Life Programme for Environment and Climate Action European Solidarity Corps

28 Future Dates EEA EFTA to Inform EU of Participation by February 2020
- Indicative - Non-binding EEA to include Programme regulations by February 2021 - Important to ensure full participation from beginning 2021

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