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Student Housing Master Planning: How to make informed decisions in relation to deferred maintenance and master planning Presenters: Dr. Steven Hood – Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Housing Master Planning: How to make informed decisions in relation to deferred maintenance and master planning Presenters: Dr. Steven Hood – Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Housing Master Planning: How to make informed decisions in relation to deferred maintenance and master planning Presenters: Dr. Steven Hood – Associate Vice President of Student Life, The University of Alabama Dr. Matthew Kerch – Executive Director, Housing and Residential Communities, The University of Alabama

2 Session Objectives: Discuss the process of creating long range plans for housing department Master Planning Campus partners How planning guides departmental goals and objectives How to use these documents explored today into your planning? What happens when you can’t control everything? Housing phasing/planning strategies Used to determine when major renovation or construction work should occur How do these projects impact housing? How do you go about creating these tools? What campus partners are necessary to accomplish these goals?

3 Learning Outcomes: Attendees will be able to identify needs in their institution/department related to master planning, housing phasing, new construction, renovation, lifecycle planning, and strategic planning.   Attendees will be able to identify needs after conducting assessments related to their facilities and departments.  Attendees will be able to identify stakeholders and other entities that will need to be consulted in order to be successful in master planning, housing phasing, new construction, renovation, lifecycle planning, and strategic planning efforts on their campus. Attendees will learn techniques to manage housing inventory, and create working documents to aid in long term planning. Begin a Plan: Attendees will begin working on creating new documents so that attendees will be able to, understand what building components need to be considered when discussing life cycles of facilities, create a long-term life cycle data sheet consisting of building components, and housing phasing strategies specifically for their institution.

4 Personal Story: Growth at UA
Total Occupancy Freshman Occupancy

5 Personal Story: Growth at UA

6 Long Range Plan Development
Information gathering: Gather financial data on buildings Facility Assessment: Gather information about lifecycle of buildings and building components Facilities and Maintenance departments Inspections by Housing staff Prioritizing with campus partners: Divisional leadership Finance and Operations Campus Planning Board of Trustees Begin to think about what your campus will look like in 20 years…

7 Questions to ask when planning departmental goals and projects
- Do you have institutional support for a new residence hall? -How does this (or will this) impact students? Support - How much can you invest annually into your facilities (deferred maintenance/ capital projects? - How much can you take on in new debt? -Analyze existing debt and expenses. Financial Components - How many beds do you need? -What are your priorities? -What space is available? Needs What is the process for programming and planning for a new residence hall? What else do we need to know before beginning this process…

8 Housing Phasing Strategy Sheet

9 2 1 5 6 4 3 7 8 9 Housing Phasing Strategy Guide Building names
Capacity each year Yellow- Proposed addition of beds Blue – Renovation Red- Closed Violet – Change in Occupancy Enrollment trends or projections Total Occupancy Surplus or deficit 1 2 5 6 4 3 7 8 9


11 Housing Phasing Strategy Guide
Take the next 60 minutes to begin working on your institutional Phasing Strategy Guide We have blank templates available We also have flash drives available with blank documents for working on your computer If you prefer to get it by let us know and we can send to you when we make our rounds Items to consider: Organizing your data/information Any institutional information you might be missing What is your vision for your housing system? Plan years out Set your department up for success Realistic estimates when it comes to enrollment trends Make list of assumptions at the bottom: We can give you insight into items to consider for this section

12 Housing Phasing Strategy Guide
Let’s get to work


14 Break Time – Get up and stretch and meet back in 10 minutes to
get back to work

15 Building Component Lifecycle Reference Sheet

16 Building Component Lifecycle Reference sheet (25 year)
Building Name Year Built Estimated Lifecycle Year Replaced Current Age Remaining years Quantity Unit Price Unit Cost Total cost of replacement Estimated year of expense 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

17 25 Year lifecycle overview – year by year


19 Building Lifecycle Reference Sheet
Take the next 30 minutes to begin working on your Lifecycle Reference Sheet We have blank templates available We also have flash drives available with blank documents for your computes If you prefer to get it by let us know and we can send to you when we make our rounds Items to consider: Organizing your data/information Any institutional information you might be missing Who has this information on construction/renovation Determining age of unknown components Set your department up for success Realistic estimates when it comes to unit pricing


21 Regroup and Review Break Time – Get up and stretch
and meet back in 10 minutes to get back to work

22 Other Items to consider:
Priority list Facility assessments Meeting with campus partners Determine how much you can spend annually Develop capital plan strategy Determine which projects can be pushed to another year and which are priorities

23 What happens if you wait too long?
Cost the department more money – Pay now or pay MORE later Buildings begin to get bad reputations Trouble filling beds May have to take building offline for extended period In extreme cases you may have to raze building, then you need to decide if new construction is better option

24 Key Takeaways from Today-
Take time to understand your buildings and walk every square foot of your inventory. Do not rely on others to tell you what is happening, see it for yourself. Learn about building and renovation processes, and do research on products and building components so you are knowledgeable when considering and discussing life cycles of facilities. Create and sustain relationships with the key players within the institution that help determine building needs and project processes, along with the departments that fund the projects Remember your buildings are a reflection of your department and institution – what message are you sending?

25 Questions and answers Dr. Hood and Dr. Kerch are available for private consulting opportunities if your campus is interested in developing these documents further. We can be reached at:

26 Thank you and Roll Tide!

27 See you next year in Austin, Texas!
Thank you! See you next year in Austin, Texas!

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