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Primary 1 Parents’ Induction 22nd May 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Primary 1 Parents’ Induction 22nd May 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary 1 Parents’ Induction 22nd May 2017

2 Welcome to Our Lady of the Missions Primary


4 Lunch Date Lunch with your child Tues 5th Sept 1a Wed 6th Sept 1b
Thurs 7th Sept 1c Tues 12th Sept 1d Wed 13th Sept e

5 We love Specially Themed Days!

6 http://www. eastrenfrewshire. gov

7 Cashless system Check lunch balances online and keep track of your child’s orders Pay for trips Pay for tuck and set limits Pay for lunches (P4-7) (set-up letter will be handed out at start of term)

8 Transitions Nursery visits by staff members
Profiles/summative assessments Extended transition visits where necessary Induction afternoon Playground buddies

9 We Love Playful Approaches To Learning

10 We Love to Get Outdoors!

11 Early Level Curriculum for Excellence
Health & Wellbeing Numeracy & Mathematics Language & Literacy Religious & Moral Education Sciences Social Studies Technologies Expressive Arts

12 Curriculum for Excellence Levels
Making Progress, Progressing Well, Achieved Early pre-school year and P1 (or later) First P2-P4 (earlier or later) Second P5-P7 (earlier or later)

13 We Love to Use ICT to Help us Learn!

14 Key Resources Phonics: Jolly Phonics Reading Scheme: Storyworlds
RE This Is our Faith Bible stories, prayers, assemblies, services

15 Broad General Education The Four Capacities

16 We are Confident Individuals
ts purpose is to develop the knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities of the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence:

17 We are Effective Contributors

18 We are Responsible Citizens

19 We are Successful Learners

20 GIRFEC Getting it right for every child builds on, and is reflected in a wide range of policies and strategies for all children and young people (including those who may have additional support needs). @girfec

21 SHANARRI Indicators The acronym SHANARRI is formed from the eight indicators of wellbeing: Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included


23 Points for Good Manners
House System Siblings are placed in same house St Mirin St Andrew Points for Achievements St Conval St Margaret St Mungo Points for Good Manners Points for Kindness Points for Effort House Days House competitons

24 Big school bags (A4 size)
Please put snacks in school bags, not in lunch boxes Practise opening and closing bags Practise zips and buttons Practise use of urinals and visiting toilet independently at home. Please ensure all your child’s belongings and uniform are clearly labelled with name and class Please wear a polo shirt on gym days. Gym bags can be left in school Please bring in an art shirt and clearly label your child’s name on it. These are kept in school

25 Practise sounds daily Practise blending daily (when appropriate) Play games such as “I spy” Look for objects around the house beginning with sound Make a duplicate set of words to play matching games Read to your child Practise Nursery Rhymes

26 Communication Twitter: @OLM_Primary
School website: Letters Texts Phonecalls

27 Appropriate Use of Social Media
Complete form in pack and return on first day Please communicate any concerns about your child’s learning or any other matter through your child’s teacher or the management team and not through social media sites or applications.

28 School Uniform Dressing for Excellence
Clothing Grants:

29 Parental Involvement and Engagement
Homework Playful Pedagogy Parent Helpers P1 Reading Cafe Curriculum Afternoon/ Evenings Parents’ Evenings x 2 Helpers for trips Parent Council and PSA Family Centred Approaches Bronze Level Award Additional Support Needs Drop in

30 Induction Day Tues 6th June 1a and 1c Wed 7th June 1b, 1d and 1e
Bring children to school at 1.40 Children will be taken to class to spend an hour with their teacher Children will be escorted back to meet parents at 2.40 Tea and coffee will be provided Speakers/stalls- Primary Playcare, Academy Uniforms, Parent and Staff Association/Parent Council

31 The School Day First Day: Wednesday 16th August
(In Service 14th and 15th August) 9.10 Primary 1a, 1c 9.30 Primary 1b, 1d, 1e Subsequent days Informal entry at 8.50 Morning Interval Lunch break Afternoon break (first few weeks) School finishes (3.05 pack up bell)

32 Information Pack Guide for P1 Parents Primary Playcare Details
Primary 1 Travel Arrangements School Trip/Visits Consent Form School Uniform Order Form Internet Safety/Photographs/DVDs Consent and Agreement Form

33 Final Points Contents of pack and Presentation will be uploaded onto school website Please follow us on Twitter: @OLM_Primary Please consider joining our PSA to help support events throughout the year. You can follow on Twitter and on You can follow the Parent Council

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