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Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC) $$ How to Generate Revenue For Your District PRESENTERS Stephen deBessonet (ESP) Bill Magill (ESP) Michael Dean (CPS) Kim Schalk CMT) TITLE OF PRESENTATION | PRESENTER

2 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Why should an Alio School district do VMC? Keys to Alio VMC integrated process Functional Steps of the Alio VMC process CPS Process Flow Chart Alio VMC integration information

3 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Why should an Alio school district do this? ANSWER IS EASY: MONTHLY REBATE MONEY. Alio CUSTOMERS COULD GENERATE REBATE REVENUE FROM 25% to 100% or MORE OF THEIR ANNUAL Alio SUPPORT. If they truly embrace the process… this can be very beneficial to districts struggling to have monies for administration. BOTTOM LINE: Alio VMC is done for MONEY and an EASY WAY TO PAY vendors. Also note that Alio Virtual MasterCard (VMC) is part of your core alio product. You do not have to purchase this feature. Since it is part of core Alio, it is also part of your annual support so you will get enhancements and support. WSC and/or your CBA will work with you on any implementation cost that you might require.

4 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Keys to Alio VMC integrated process The Alio Virtual MasterCard payment process is integrated into Alio… We have customers executing this process. You can do it. Vendor enrollment: Alio vendors are tagged similar to ACH vendors (other) and these vendors invoices, by default, will be paid via the Alio VMC process. A vendor cannot be an ACH and VMC vendor.. One or the other. NO ACTUAL CARDS, NO ACTUAL CARDS, NO ACTUAL CARDS: Unlike P-cards, these MasterCard payments are done via virtual process. Not via a card: each vendor payment transaction is essentially a standalone card and good for that transaction only. THIS IS WHAT MAKES THIS UNIQUE! a. This process uses your purchasing guidelines… approved requisitions, POs, invoices… then payment. You have choice of paying vendors by check or ACH or VMC. All are part of your purchasing guidelines. Similar to ACH payments, Alio will interface to the CPS payment portal for VMC payment processing and a reconciling file will be returned to the district from CPS (again, similar to Alio ACH payment processing). Alio CONTENT/ARCHIVE: We also interface with Alio Content/Archive and the VMC payment advice flows into Content/Archive like other Alio payment advices/checks, etc. The integration separates us from all of the competing bank rebate services. They setup independent process that require manual interface and/or separate reconciliation.

5 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Functional Steps of the Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC) process Vendor Analysis: Marketing tool District or WSC/CBA can export vendor information (payment history) with customer permission and CPS has generated rebate analysis reports to show the potential revenue for our prospective K-12 school district. This has been very helpful in our discussions with districts. We also now have actual rebate experience alio school districts. Vendor Enrollment: Once a district is signed up… we can start the enrollment process. (little to no work for the school district) This is where CPS shines… they take over the work for the district. Obtaining list of vendors to be part of the enrollment program. District/WSC/CBA pulls the vendor list and payment history and provides to CPS. Development of a vendor enrollment plan. Execution of a phone and letter campaign. Providing reporting on a weekly basis based on tabulated results from the phone and letter campaign. We can schedule when we go live for VMC payment processing. Once we have vendors enrolled, we can apply the update to the Alio vendor master file tagging enrolled vendors as VMC (ACH other) vendors. The Alio vendor payment process then handles the payment process. Customers can override in the payment process to be a check or VMC or vice versa. WSC/CBA has VMC payment programs at the tail end of the standard payment process (after checks, after ACH.. Then VMC). Once vendors are enrolled and tagged in Alio as a VMC vendor… payments to vendors can start.

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7 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Alio VMC integration information The following is a sample of what can be reviewed with district at a kickoff meeting: This can be done remotely. This shows how VMC is integrated into Alio. General Requirements Alio setup for VMC Setup VMC bank in bank master file (similar to ACH bank) Vendor update as a VMC vendor (similar to assignment of vendor as ACH vendor) (Cannot be both VMC and ACH vendor) Actual Bank Setup Master Card Agreement with CPS / Regions Bank (unique system to accommodate VMC payments)  Alio Vendor initial and on-going setup / update Initially: Must onboard/enroll vendors (almost all work done by CPS): On-going: WSC/CBA will support your staff to confirm and update vendor file updates to assign VMC to qualified vendors as part of your new vendor process, verification of allowing Master Card payment via this process.

8 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
The following is part of what WSC/CBA reviews with district at kickoff meeting: Alio Routine Processing (again, Alio VMC is integrated into Alio) Enter payments, run edit listings, posts payments. Create VMC advice of payments. Create ACH advice of payments. Create standard A/P payments using content print or standard check print. Create VMC file for CPS / Master Card portal. Create ACH file for ach payments. Post check print program. Transfer money to VMC account. Reconciliation process.

9 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Overview of CPS Phone/Letter Campaign STEP 1: Strategic Vendor Phone Campaign CPS Payment Services Vendor Enrollment team will execute a phone campaign. STEP 2: Conduct a Formal Two (or more) Letter Series CPS can leverage templates and past experience to assist with verbiage within Vendor communications. 1st letter series is an introduction to the process. 2nd letter series is a follow up for those that have not enrolled nor provided any response. All postage paid by CPS Payment Services.

10 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
CPS Letter Campaign Sample Form (Page 2 of letter) The vendor sends the form into the mailbox or fax number located at the top of the form. Typical Information Captured: Company Name Name and Title Phone Number Remittance Address: This is the address where the remittance advices will be sent.

11 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
On a weekly basis, the CPS Payment Services Vendor Enrollment Support Team provides reporting around newly enrolled vendors: Newly Enrolled Vendors – Vendors enrolled in the latest period. Complete Enrolled Vendors – A running list of vendors that have enrolled in the program. Open Vendors – A list of non responding vendors where focus can be asserted. Need Info – A list of potentially enrolled vendors where more information might be needed. Declined – These are vendors that have declined the program. These vendors are later revisited if warranted. Reporting and metrics allow for focus on achieving the highest vendor enrollment.

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13 Alio Virtual Master Card (VMC)
Alio VMC BOTTOM LINE: YOUR DISTRICT CAN GENERATE MONTHLY REVENUE……$ $ $ $ $ $ with little cost or overhead to the District.



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