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Ticket assessment and assignment
ADEN core competencies training series Ticket assessment and assignment Kevin Kevin Nickerson & Mary Lynn ReVoir ADEN Co-Directors American Dream Employment Network (ADEN) American Dream Employment Network, a division of National Disability Institute, is an authorized Social Security Ticket to Work service provider.
Foundations of & Ticket assessment process
AGENDA Ticket to Work basics Foundations of & Ticket assessment process Participant Referral Sources Developing the IWP Recommendation: Print this PPT in Notes format so you can take notes during today’s presentation
Ticket basics
EN acronyms – Posted in ADEN Resources
CDR Continuing Disability Review EN Employment Network IWP Individual Work Plan TPM Ticket Program Manager PII Personal Identifiable Information SGA Substantial Gainful Activity SSA Social Security Administration SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance SSI Supplemental Security Income TPR Timely Progress Review TWL Trial Work Level VR (state) Vocational Rehabilitation
ticket to work and work incentives improvement act
Passed by congress in 1999: Medicaid Buy-In Programs Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) projects Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency employment program Goals: Self-Sufficiency: Decrease the Ticket Holder’s dependence on their cash benefits by increasing their earnings to a substantial level of employment and ultimately, to assist Ticket Holder in achieving self- sufficiency Choice: Employment Networks (ENs) offer another level of choice to Social Security beneficiaries Ticket Holders are qualified Social Security Disability Beneficiaries ages 18 to 64, receiving SSI or SSDI or both. A Ticket Holder most often is unemployed, but can be employed as long as meets two criteria above.
from the beneficiary's perspective
This is a voluntary program As a Ticket Holder, I do not have to participate. Provides Ticket Holders with CHOICE As a Ticket Holder, I decide who I assign my Ticket to based upon who I feel can best provide the services I need. Ensures continued employment support As a Ticket Holder, I know you will continue to provide me support after I am employed, even beyond Vocational Rehabilitation services. Actively participating in the Ticket program suspends a Ticket Holder’s medical Continuing Disability Review As a Ticket Holder, I can avoid the stress of a continuing disability review as long as I making progress towards self-sufficiency
what is the process of ticket Program?
Beneficiary reviews options and choses EN (or VR) Beneficiary and EN together develop IWP Ticket is assigned and services begin Beneficiary begins earning wages that qualify for EN Payment EN receives payment from SSA
Checking in….. Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency program is:
Something Mary Lynn and Kevin made up Having a job taking Tickets at local concert A long term employment program operated by Social Security Administration A beneficiary is required to use their Ticket to Work. True False To have a Ticket you: Receive either SSI or SSDI or both benefits Are older than age 18 but younger than 65 Can be working All of the above
Setting the stage for assessment
thE B.E.ST. PROCESS Building Rapport – After your outreach event, invite attendees that are interested to schedule an individual appointment to assess Ticket assignment. Enhanced Services – Explain the purpose of the Ticket program; it’s NOT just about jobs, it’s about a life change and having the right supports to make a change happen. Setting Goals – Identify a roadmap and develop goals through the ADEN Individualized Work Plan (IWP). Trust – Once trust is established, communication opens and uncovers personal hopes and dreams which leads to developing individual employment goals. 10
The Ticket Philosophy: Empowering Choice
Choice is the foundation of the Ticket program If an individual attends an outreach event or contacts an ADEN Member, they have taken the first step, providing an invaluable “intersection of influence” Participants expressing desire to assign their Ticket must be ready to commit to moving forward with employment that will lead to self-sufficiency Choice can be influenced in a number of ways: Dispelling myths about SSA disability benefits Empowerment – don’t underestimate the influence of believing in a Participant’s abilities Exploration – Find out what motivates a Participant, and develop goals that are realistic and achievable 11
Ticket assessment
Basic requirements to assign a ticket
Beneficiary must be eligible for Ticket Program – Check this First! Must be in receipt of SSI or SSDI cash benefits in the month of assignment, or Ticket cannot be assigned Must be between ages 18-65 Beneficiary must want to be employed and interested in going off benefits – self-sufficiency test The goal of the Ticket program is to help beneficiaries become gainfully employed within 3 years of Ticket assignment Job searching requires a commitment of time and energy that the beneficiary must be ready for
Assessment Framework Ticket Assessment framed around SSA expectations:
Services Needed : Do they fit with ADEN services? Employment Goals : Are projected earnings consistent with required Milestones and Outcomes? Benefits Evaluation : Is the potential Participant ready to move forward with gainful employment? (i.e., SGA level employment) Skills / Education / Experience : Is this consistent with potential Participants’ employment goals and with the current workforce need? Projected Revenue : Will we produce revenue if we serve this potential Participant as an EN? Other : Health status at intake and restrictions, apparent motivation to return to work?
2018 EN Payments at A glance Payment Type Beneficiary Earnings SSI Payment Amount SSDI Payment Amount Phase 1 Milestones Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Gross earnings > TWL $850/month x 1 mo. $850/mo. x 3 mos. w/in 6 mos. $850/mo. x 6 mos. w/in 12 mos. $850/mo. x 9 mos. w/in 18 mos. $1409 Phase 2 Milestones Gross earnings > SGA per month ($1180 / $1970) $242/mo. for up to 18 mos. $423/mo. for up to 11 mos. Outcomes AND federal cash benefit = $0 $242/mo. for up to 60 mos. $423/mo. for up to 36 mos. Total Potential Milestones and Outcome Payments $24,512 $25,517 For more information, see FAQ on EN payments here:
18 Month look-back rule – basics
This Ticket to Work rule impacts Phase 1 Milestone payments to ENs. How it works - For Tickets assigned of beneficiaries who have worked in the prior 18 months before the month of ticket assignment, the following will apply: P1M1 is not available if beneficiary worked above TWL in the month immediately prior to Ticket assignment. P1M2 is not available if beneficiary worked above TWL in 3 of the 6 months immediately prior to Ticket assignment. P1M3 is not available if beneficiary worked above the TWL in 6 of the 12 months immediately prior to Ticket assignment. P1M4 is not available if beneficiary worked above the TWL in 9 of 18 months immediately prior to Ticket assignment.
I need training Many beneficiaries will call with a request for training, what is your next step? Evaluate training need, is it short or long-term? Can it be managed through the American Job Center (AJC)? Is the beneficiary already handling the expense of training? In some cases, if training needs can be addressed, the beneficiary should still be evaluated for Ticket supports If training needs are extensive, and beyond the capacity of sources outside of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to support, then it is appropriate to refer to VR for services first SUMMARY: Don’t assume a training need disqualifies someone from using Ticket to Work services!
I’m not interested in full-time work
I only want to work part-time…WHY? Is this is due to limitations associated with disability? Or, is it associated with the fear of losing benefits and healthcare? Is it because the person hasn’t worked in many years and wants to START with part-time employment? These are the questions you need to sort out when this comes up with beneficiaries If unable to work full-time now or in the future due to disabling condition, it is likely this person will best be served by VR, refer If because of fear of losing benefits/healthcare – Provide overview of work incentives! This often changes the path of a beneficiary If you sort out that full-time work is the goal within 3 years, consider assigning! SUMMARY – You need to unravel the layers of why beneficiaries are making the choices they are making to have an impact!
I am close to retirement, but want to work
At this time, the Ticket to Work program offers beneficiaries services up to the age of 65, after which, the Ticket will terminate. I’m age 63 and want to assign my Ticket with ADEN, should you? When considering assignment of Tickets of beneficiaries nearing retirement, you need to consider the following: Can I place this person soon enough to allow for EN payments to be realized? Will enough payments be available to warrant assignment? Know that beneficiaries whose benefits terminate may be eligible/interested in accessing early retirement, if so, the Ticket would terminate SUMMARY – Make sure you evaluate retirement plans of beneficiaries in this group, and consider time it will take to place the person and remaining time to achieve EN payments
I want to work from home ADEN does not assign tickets for goals of individuals seeking work from home There are exceptions to this rule, ADEN Members may consider assigning tickets for remote work goals if: Individual has a demonstrated history of remote work Individual has a skill set that would afford them opportunities to work from home Individual has a home office set up with appropriate equipment and means Example: IT professional, consultant SUMMARY – Most individuals that want work from home would not be a good fit for ADEN services, however, there are always exceptions to the rule!
I want to be Self-employed
ADEN does not support assigning Tickets of individuals seeking self- employment for the following reasons: Extensive delays in payments due to need for Tax Returns from IRS to verify wages, which causes ADDITIONAL delays in payments to you. Additional and extensive knowledge of SSA work incentives is required to guide individuals properly. ADEN does not want to request Members commit to this additional knowledge of Self-Employment work incentives. General expertise in small business start-up is required to be effective. Most ADEN Members don’t have this kind of background. How to inform beneficiary: “We want beneficiaries to receive quality services and we are not an experts in self-employment, so we are unable to accept your Ticket. You can find other ENs by calling the Ticket Help Line. SUMMARY - While self-employment can be a viable goal for beneficiaries, it is very difficult to achieve EN payments for these cases, therefore ADEN does not support assignment of Tickets with primary goals of self-employment.
Example 1 – good ticket assignment?
John is working when he calls you. He is unsure what steps he should take with SSA, and has not reported work yet. He just started the job a week ago. John tells you he’s working 20 hours/week. Should you assign this Ticket? You need to know more, such as: How much does John make per hour? $13.87/hour ($1,202/month avg. gross) Would he like to eventually, make enough to get off benefits completely, within 3 years? Yes, if health allows John is representative of many who call ADEN for support. They are not sure how they will do when they return to work, and may start part-time, this is FINE if the long-term goal is self-sufficiency – ASSIGN THE TICKET
Example 2 – good ticket assignment?
Sam has been collecting benefits about 5 years. He would like to resume work using his BS in Information Technology. He has years of IT customer support experience. He may need to update a certification. He receives $1,850/month in SSDI. He states he might want to work out of his home office if possible. He is 58 years old and wants to work until Full Retirement Age (FRA). Should you assign this Ticket? You need to know more, such as: Does Sam want to work part-time, or full-time? Would like to work full-time Would he like to eventually, make enough to get off benefits completely, within 3 years? Yes, if health allows Sam is an excellent candidate for the Ticket to Work program! He has the training and experience he needs to succeed. In this case, remote employment may be possible for an employer, given his level of expertise, which in this case, is a viable path to self-sufficiency. ASSIGN THE TICKET
Checking in… 1. What is one way of gaining trust with beneficiaries given the limited time we have in assessment with each person? 1. Tell them they can trust you 2. Share your knowledge of employment services and if certified in SSA Work Incentives discuss work incentives 3. Offer a promise of employment 2. True or False: The primary purpose of assessment is to see if the person has the desire and ability to return to gainful employment.
Participant Referrals
ADEN ticket Assessment tools
What are these tools? Ticket Assessment Guide: Logic flow chart that helps you evaluate potential Ticket holders, and should be kept within reach when you are a new ADEN Member assessing potential Ticket holders Participant Assessment Tool: This interactive tool allows you to explore assessment considerations further, and is a recommended resource for your review When do I use these tools? Use these tools to help you know “what do to” when you talk with your first referrals. Where do I find these tools? Both found in ADEN Resources tools
Referrals – 3 sources From ADEN Toll Free line ADEN Admin receives daily phone calls from beneficiaries One of the ADEN Director screen the call to determine whether the individual has goals consistent with the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency program Direct referral from a beneficiary (Find Help Directory) You access the situation to determine whether the individual has goals consistent with the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency program and if you plan to accept Ticket or not From other local agencies and/or State Vocational Rehabilitation (Partnership Plus handoff for states with agreement)
Referral follow-up Referral from ADEN next steps for Member:
POC will receive an from ADEN Director Follow up with a phone call to the potential Participant within 2 business days Make sure you identify yourself as an ADEN Member Add updates to the referral note on the portal Refer to ADEN Portal Guide to create a Participant record If accepting the Ticket, create New Participant record in the ADEN Portal and develop the IWP Direct referral to you next steps: Respond in a timely manner Follow Partnership Plus agreement for your state and training provided
Checking in… 1. What are the avenues by which you will secure referrals for the Ticket to Work program? 1. Through local marketing efforts 2. Through referrals ADEN Directors will make 3. Through the SSA Ticket to Work Find Help Directory 4. In states with Partnership Plus agreements, from VR 5. All of the above 2. Where can you find information about how to evaluate good Ticket referrals? 1. SSA Ticket Help Line 2. ADEN Ticket Assessment Tools
Developing aden individual work plan (IWP)
What is the IWP? The IWP is a written, signed contract that details responsibilities of both the EN and the beneficiary. It includes the following: Details of both the short-term and long-term employment goals Brief outline of your specific plans to help the Participant reach these goals, including both immediate services and long-term support services to be provided Rights and remedies Important contact information The IWP should reflect the goals and services that will be provided to ADEN Participants It is possible that goals will change, amending the IWP is an option to reflect major changes in employment goals
This content was developed by the Ticket Program Manager
Goals should be: This content was developed by the Ticket Program Manager Specific –What? Measurable –How? Attainable – Can the goal be achieved? Realistic – Something the beneficiary can achieve? Timely – Maintain focus Let’s review the recommended format for developing employment goals. Specific: The goal must answer the “what” question: What career, field, or position the beneficiary is trying to attain. Measurable – The goal must also answer the “how” question: How will the vocational goal be achieved? Is training, certifications, additional experience needed? Attainable – The goal must be achievable in a reasonable amount of time. A goal should not be out of reach or below standards; challenging yet possible to achieve Realistic – The goal must be realistic. Is the goal something that the beneficiary can achieve? Is it within their reach? And lastly, the goal must be timely. The IWP form which we will discuss has a timing component that must be filled out completely. A commitment to a deadline helps maintain focus on the effort to becoming financially independent In sum, SMART goals allow the beneficiary and Employment Network to see the road ahead. 32 32
Examining the aden individual work plan (IWP) Let’s look at the iwp example
Career counseling considerations
Common mistakes Members make: Not relating experience to vocational goal – During your counseling with Participants, you should be tying previous experience to the current vocational goal. This shows the goal is attainable. Not mentioning that work is available – You should also make the connection to the vocational goal, and the availability of work in the Participant’s desired profession by examining Labor Market Information. This shows the goal is realistic. Not discussing action steps – You should spell out how the goal will be achieved, whether through additional training or certifications, or by entry level employment in the desired profession that will provide experience to move into the desired position. This shows the goal is measurable.
IWP Electronic signatures
While it is preferred that actual signatures are collected on each IWP, if circumstances arise that make the use of an electronic signature the most viable option, please follow this protocol: If you have an IWP with an electronic signature, you need to post a screen shot of the sent from the Participant providing permission to use their printed name as an electronic signature Be sure you can see who the is from and date You can place the screen shot in a word doc and then attach it to a “Note” in the Participant’s record.
Example consent email: electronic signature
If an electronic signature consent is collected, a screen shot needs to be taken and pasted on a word doc and saved as a note in the Participant’s record in the ADEN Portal
Deadline for IWP submission
IWPs must be submitted for assignment within a 14 day window of the last signature date per SSA If IWP is assigned within 14 days of last signature: First eligible billable month will be the month following the month of last signature date If IWP is assigned beyond 14 days of last signature: First eligible billable month will be the month following the date entered in the SSA Portal IWP’s with signature dates older than 30 days will NOT be accepted!
timely progress review (tpr)
Social Security expects a Ticket Holder to make progress towards self-sufficiency while their ticket is assigned A Timely Progress Review (TPR) is Social Security's way to track the progress of a Ticket Holder A review is conducted at the end of every 12-month period from date of Ticket assignment Timely Progress Guidelines are established by Social Security The guidelines consist of work and earnings requirements, educational or training requirements, or a combination of both Social Security expects a Ticket holder to make progress toward self-sufficiency while their Ticket is assigned. The way that Social Security tracks this progress is called Timely Progress Review, referred to as TPR for short. Timely Progress Guidelines are established by Social Security and a review is conducted every 12 months from the date of Ticket assignment. The review consists of work and earnings requirements, educational or training requirements, or a combination of both.
TPR guidelines & responsibilities
ADEN Members – Explain TPR guidelines and give a handout to each Participant when signing the IWP This handout is also located on the ADEN website in Resources
TPR process SSA first checks earning records of beneficiary
If earnings meet TPR guidelines, TPR is met and no further action is taken If earnings do not meet TPR guidelines, the beneficiary is contacted for a review If no response is received from the beneficiary, then SSA contacts ADEN If TPR is not met The beneficiary is placed back in the queue for continuing disability reviews. TPR outcome does not affect Ticket assignment SSA POMS on Timely Progress: The TRP process followed by SSA includes SSA first checking earnings records of the beneficiary, if the earnings meet TRP guidelines, then the TPR is met and no further action is needed. If the earnings do not meet the guidelines, then SSA contacts the beneficiary for information. If the beneficiary does not respond, then SSA will contact the EN. For ADEN, this contact will be received by ADEN Directors, and then ADEN Members will be asked to assist. It is important to understand that if TPR is not that does not affect Ticket assignment. Failure to meet TRP guidelines places the beneficiary back in the queue for continuing disability reviews; it does not require the EN nor the Ticket holder to take any action on their Ticket assignment. In other words, the protection of a continuing disability review is only honored by SSA, if the beneficiary with an assigned Ticket makes timely progress.
Checking in… 1. What are the three main ingredients Members must build into the narrative for both short and long-term goals? 1. Clear vocational goal, projected date job search will start and expected monthly earnings. 2. Clear vocational goal, projected date of attainment and projected monthly earnings. 3. Clear vocational goal, projected date of benefits termination and whether goal is viable. 2. True or False: The IWP is a contract between you and the Ticket holder. 3. True or False: If the Participant is NOT making Timely Progress, the Ticket will terminate.
Looking for an example IWP? After logging in to ADEN website, visit:
ADEN IWP Summary The IWP is a contract between you and your Participant that should reflect services that are unique to each Participant’s needs You should complete the IWP carefully and fully, and provide a copy to your Participant when completed, along with the Timely Progress Review guidelines ADEN will be audited occasionally; it is possible your IWP document will be reviewed by the Ticket Program Manager (TPM) All record (documents) will be maintained in the ADEN Portal If you are a new Member, the first 5 IWPs need to be reviewed with an ADEN Director. You will need to Kevin asking him to review an IWP draft.
Let’s review the next section of aden core a training: “ADEN CORE SERVICES”
American Dream Employment Network (ADEN)
ADEN Co-Directors of American Dream Employment Network (ADEN) Mary Lynn ReVoir Kevin Nickerson
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