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Looking for the Perfect Job

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1 Looking for the Perfect Job
Geography 494 Internship

2 Facts about hiring Top 5 ways to look for a job Where to look
Outline Facts about hiring Top 5 ways to look for a job Where to look


4 Looking for the Perfect Job
Decide what you want to do. FACT: It’s nearly impossible to find a job if you don’t know what you want to do. What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles Career Center

5 How to Find Openings Self-inventory The Internet Networking School
The Feds ( The State ( Civil Service Newspapers Journals Temp Agencies Resumes Choose Places that Interest You The Phone Book Volunteering\Interning Work for Yourself

6 Five Best Ways to Hunt for a Job
Ask for job leads from: family members, friends, people in the community, staff at career centers, especially at your college Knocking on the door of any employer, factory, or office that interests you, whether they are known to have a vacancy or not. By yourself, using the phone book’s yellow pages to identify subjects or fields of interest to you where you want to work, and then calling up or visiting the employers listed. In a group with other job-hunters, a kind of “job-club”. Doing a life changing job hunt! (What, when, where)

7 Looking for the Perfect Job
Get Support for your job search. A solitary job hunt can be more difficult because you’ll only have access to what you find yourself. Leverage the experience, expertise, and network of friends and colleagues, don’t forget to help others too. You will ALL be more successful. Utilize the career center. They are being paid to help you find a job.

8 Looking for the Perfect Job
Research your career options. America’s Career InfoNet ( ) Occupational Outlook Handbook ( ) Job Hunters Bible ( ) California Job Journal ( State of California Career Information ( )

9 Where to Look Where to search for a job depends on your interests.
Always start at the career center. The internet is a great resource. You should search general job hunting engines ( or website for individual companies, govt. offices, etc. Ask professionals already in your field of interest where to look. Remember, there aren’t a lot of “geographer” jobs, but there are a lot of jobs that require the skills of a geographer, they are often called something else…GIS Analyst, Market Research, Environmental Consultant. Be creative, pound the pavement if you have to

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