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External Examiner Administration

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1 External Examiner Administration
Leoni Stanton External Examiners Administration Academic Quality & Development Unit Hi everyone, thank you so much for coming down today. Firstly, I’d just like to introduce myself – I am the External Examiners Administrator for the AQDU and took over the role from Victoria Winstanley in September 2018.

2 Academic Quality & Development Unit
Fee/expense claims Bookings for accommodation or parking Annual report system Terms of engagement Change of contact details/employment New academic year information So, what will you contact me for? Any queries over completing claim forms/expenses – I know there have been some changes within the past few months so please don’t hesitate to contact me if your unsure of anything! Once we have received the form we will contact you to let you know it has been processes and when you should expect payment by . If you are doing school visits, attending the exam and assessment boards or other visits arranged by the institution and need overnight accommodation, please drop me an . I can also reserve visitor parking if you need to come to campus. If you have any queries or issues with the annual reports system. Terms of engagement, anything to do with HR matters and arranging visits to carry out right to work checks. We keep all your contact information on a central register, if your institution, home address or contact details change please let me know! Finally, I will send out the new academic regulations at the beginning of each academic year in your welcome packs, this will also include any other relevant information regarding EHU. We no longer send out a hard copy of the external examiners handbook, but this is available online.

3 Faculty/Department Assessment and Award Board Dates
Queries regarding programmes/modules Samples of work Response to Annual Report Programme/Course Leader or Departmental Administrator What to contact the Faculty or Department for? Just a couple of examples… Assessments and Award Board dates Queries relating to your assigned programmes and modules Samples of work Responses to your Annual Report Having said this, we are more than happy to pass any queries onto the Programme/Course Leader or Administrator.

4 External Examiners Website
What will you find on the External Examiners website? Information about your role and who to contact, including the latest EHU news. Videos from today sessions will be uploaded in due course. You can also access claim forms, privacy notice, Academic Regulations and the External Examiners Handbook.

5 Annual Report System
You can also access the online system to submit your annual report, this includes guidance notes for how to log on and work through the report. You will be notified when the system is open to start your 2018/19 reports, this is usually just before the Assessment and Award Board period. It stays open for the year as some programmes do not follow the traditional timeline. For a small number of award board examiners the annual report is slightly different and isn’t completed online, but you will be sent more information and the template to use. To log into the annual reports system, please use the address you have provided us and for everything the password is edgehill01. Please note, this is not the same password as Blackboard. Annual report is due 4 weeks after your final assessment board for that year.

6 Annual Report System
If you cover undergraduate and postgraduate programmes you are expected to submit 2 reports and this will be displayed on the system. If you come across any problems with the programmes listed there, please let us know before you start writing your report.

7 Annual Report System
You have the option to start your annual report, save it and come back to it later. Like all systems it has its bug bears and this doesn’t like boxes being empty so if the question is not appropriate to write anything just put N/A.

8 Annual Report System Upon submission a copy is automatically ed to you. A copy of the claim form is also included in this . Response from the Faculty is not via this system. What happens when you submit your report? Upon submission, a copy is automatically ed to yourselves, the external examiners mailbox and the faculty central contact. On the , you will also be able to find a copy of the claim form. Your annual report response will not be on this system so you don’t need to check back for it.

9 Fees/Expenses
As many of you will be aware, we have done a review of our policy and have implemented a new fees and expense policy this year in conjunction with Finance and HR. For those examiners who’ve been around with us for a while, you can finally claim for that morning coffee on the way to campus! Just to quickly run through, you can claim £35 for half a days of external examiner duties, this equites to 3.75 hours or £70 for a full day of external examiner duties, and this equites to 7.5 hours. You can claim a flat £200 for the completion and submission of the annual report. More information on your duties as an examiner can be found in the fees and expense policy. We believe this is a positive change and an uplift on fees but please contact me if you are unsure on what to claim for. Things to remember… You don’t get paid automatically – you are required to submit claims to myself. You should claim for the work as you go you don’t have to store it up until you’ve submitted your annual report We require your original signature on documents but we can receive them via the post or a scanned copy Please remember to submit all your receipts, finance require all your receipt to be able to process your claim however you don’t need to supply your fuel receipts All claims need to be submitted by the last working day of the month to be paid the following month. Obviously some of these times may vary, such as Christmas and Year end – this is paid directly into your bank account You will only need to submit your New Payment Set Up Form once, you will then only need to submit your claim form each time If you are unsure, please get on the phone or me your claim form and I will look it over before putting it through.

10 ‘A Handbook for External Examining’, Higher Education Academy (2012)

11 Any Questions? Any questions?
I’m sure you’ll all be happy to know that it is now time for lunch! We will head over to the Garden Restaurant and your Edge Hill Representative member should be there to meet you. There is a table plan outside the restaurant so you will all know where you are seated. If you think of any questions later please feel free to grab me or send me an ! Thank you so much for coming down and I hope you enjoyed your morning!

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