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Restaurant Consumer Survey

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1 Restaurant Consumer Survey
Fieldwork: October 9th- 18th 2018

2 Project Overview Research Objective Methodology
•General newsworthy insights into the eating habits and expectations of Millennials with a particular focus on their attitudes to service •Expectations of Millennials around technology •How Millennials use social and interact online around their experiences Methodology 2,008 interviews Half of the sample are respondents classified as “Millennials”, aged (20-35), and “Generation X”, aged (36-53). Weighted to ensure a nationally representative of the respondents 12 minute online questionnaire Fieldwork conducted 9th – 16th October 2018

3 Executive Summary More spontaneous behaviour that is harder to predict: 20% of millennials go out less to restaurants now due to food delivery and only 9% of millennials say they would be likely to book a restaurant before visiting it. Millennials embracing elements of automation: Making a reservation, ordering and paying, over 50% of millennials would favour dealing with a robot or technology. Over two thirds of millennials (71%) say they wouldn’t be against their food being delivered by a robot. However, millennials still crave human interaction in their dining experiences as over half (51%) of millennials would still like to give a compliment or complaint to a person rather than a machine. For millennials the future is vegan and sustainable: Nearly half of all millennials (49%) predict vegan restaurants will be the most in demand in the next two years. In fact, 75% of millennials thought at least one of the following types of restaurants would be most in demand: vegan, vegetarian or those with good environmental credentials. In comparison only 25% of millennials thought fast food restaurants will be in the most demand over the next two years.

4 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)
A fifth of millennials (20% compared to only 9% Gen X) say they go out less to restaurants now because they are getting more food delivered that they would previously have gone out to eat. Eating Out Frequency Q4- What effect, if any, has the increased availability of food delivery services (e.g. Deliveroo, Just Eat, Uber Eats etc.), had on how often you go out to eat? Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

5 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)
Only 9% of millennials now say they are likely to make restaurant bookings Q5.. Excluding fine dining (i.e. restaurants, where food is served in a formal setting) what percentage of the time do you make a reservation before going to restaurants? Eating Out Booking Unlikely to book Likely to book 65% 62% 9% 13% Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

6 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)
Around 2 in 5 Millennials are likely to eat out at least once a week, a third of Generation X indicate they eat out at least once a week, both groups are most likely to go out for dinner Eating Out Frequency How often do you eat in a restaurant, café, pub or other eating establishment? Q1- Which meal are you most likely to go out for? Please select one only. Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

7 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)
Millennials are willing to spend on average 14% less than Gen X on a meal. Eating Out Spend Q2. When thinking about meals other than breakfast, how much are you willing to spend for your own meal in a restaurant? Average Spend £31.00 £36.00 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

8 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)
52% of millennials indicate they would dine in a restaurant where ordering and payments are fully automated, compared to only 39% of Gen X diners Q12. How likely, or unlikely, are you to dine at a restaurant where part of the service is fully automated? (e.g. using a device to order or pay without a need for interaction with waiting staff.) Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

9 Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)
Making a reservation, bill and food delivery are the areas millennials would be most comfortable dealing only with a robot or technology How comfortable, if at all, would you be in dealing only with a robot or technology at each of the following stages in your restaurant experience? Over two thirds of millennials (71%) say they wouldn’t be against their food being delivered by a robot However, millennials still crave human interaction in their dining experiences as over half (51%) of millennials would still like to give a compliment or complaint to a person rather than a machine Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

10 Technology Encounters
Where contactless payments and online booking systems are commonplace, mobile booking, billing and ordering are still not often experienced. Technology Encounters Net Frequently Includes those who selected frequently/all the time Thinking about eating out and technology, how frequently do you encounter each of the following technologies when booking/visiting a restaurant? Millennials Generation x 70% 51% 32% 12% 8% 46% 44% 25% 10% 7% Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

11 Future Restaurant Types 3
For millennials the future is vegan - nearly half of all millennials (49%) predict vegan restaurants will be the most in demand in the next two years Future Restaurant Types 3 Q2. Which of the following types of restaurants do you think there will be the most demand for in the next two years? Please select up to three options. 75% In fact, 75% of millennials thought at least one of the following types of restaurants would be most in demand: vegan, vegetarian or those with good environmental credentials. In comparison only 25% of millennials thought fast food restaurants will be in the most demand over the next two years. Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

12 Future Restaurant Types 2
Nearly half (47%) of all respondents placed reduced food waste as their top sustainable priority. Only 11% of consumers indicated that sustainability didn’t matter to them. Future Restaurant Types 2 Q3 Which of the following types of restaurants do you think there will be the most demand for in the next two years? Please select up to three options. Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

13 For both Millennials and Generation X quality of food is the most important factor when thinking of returning to a restaurant, Price and quality of service feature in the top 3 factors Which factors help you when deciding whether to return to a restaurant more than once % based on those that feature in the top 3 Millennials Generation x Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

14 Restaurant Recommendation
Millennials are significantly more likely to use Facebook and Instagram for restaurant inspiration, as well as online reviews from others for go-to advice Restaurant Recommendation Q13a. Which social channels, if any, influence you the most for your restaurant choices? Please select all that apply. Q13b. Aside from recommendations from friends or family, what is your 'go to' place for advice on a restaurant? Platform Millennials Gen X 27% 23% 25% 6% 8% 7% 2% 1% Sample size: Millennials (1004) Gen X (1004)

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