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Mental Health Engagement Evening
AGENDA Hillingdon Patent Carers Forum - Natasha Copas Hillingdon Council – Philip Ryan Hillingdon GP – Dr Stephen Vaughan-Smith Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group – Ian Kent 19:00 BREAK Hillingdon Children’s & Adolescent Mental Health Services - Melanie Woodcock Hillingdon Mind - Yohan McDonald Healthwatch Hillingdon – Graham Hawkes 20:00 Close
Natasha Copas - Hillingdon Parent Carers Forum
Introduction Natasha Copas - Hillingdon Parent Carers Forum
Philip Ryan - Hillingdon Council
SEND Local Offer Philip Ryan - Hillingdon Council
Manager, Families’ Information Service
SEND Local Offer Philip Ryan Manager, Families’ Information Service 5
SEND Local Offer Purpose of the SEND Local Offer:
To provide information and advice for parents of children and young people with SEND up to age of 25 Information should be clear, comprehensive, accessible and up to date information Parents and young people should be involved in developing and reviewing the Local Offer
SEND Local Offer SEND Local Offer website -
Website was developed by September 2014 The site is on its second version and was adapted with parental involvement
SEND Local Offer Next steps
Feedback requested on the information on the website The website will be redesigned this year. Please e- mail if you wish to be involved
Dr Stephen Vaughan-Smith - Hillingdon GP
GP Perspective Dr Stephen Vaughan-Smith - Hillingdon GP
Hillingdon CAMHS Local Transformation
Ian Kent - Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group
Hillingdon CAMHS Local Transformation
28th March 2017
Needs Assessment 75% of all Adult mental health issues ( excluding Dementia) start before the age of 18 years Nationally 6% of the MH budget is spent on CAMHS 1 in 10 of u18s have a MH issue Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder, from medical complications associated with the illness as well as suicide. Research has found that 20% of anorexia sufferers will die prematurely from their illness. CNWL, who provides specialist CAMHS services in Hillingdon receive 70% of referrals from GPs, with other sources including A&E, Child Health, Local Authority and other Mental Health Trusts. The CAMHS caseload in Hillingdon increased during 2014/5 so that at the end of the year was around a third bigger than it was at the start of the year. This reflects the increased awareness of mental health, increased complexity. The most significant rise in referrals has been for those children and young people with issues of deliberate self harm.
Five year CAMHS Transformation
In November 2014 Norman Lamb MP Care Minister set up a Taskforce to review CAMHS given the number of issues raised in terms of length of waits for treatments and the number of CYPs placed in inpatients around the country. He concluded…“isn’t just about funding. What is needed is a fundamental shift in culture. A whole system approach is needed focusing on prevention of mental ill health, early intervention and recovery. We owe this to young people. It is with their future in mind that we must all commit to, and invest in this challenge.” June 2015 In March the Government announced £250M , for 5 years to transform CAMHS so that by 2020 more CYPs would receive evidence based treatment . Hillingdon has received £611k for CAMHS Transformation funding (Eating Disorders, Out Of Hours, Crisis, Self Harm and Learning Disabilities.
CAMHS current Model
Proposed New THRIVE Model
Shift resources in lower quadrants to the upper quadrants to ensure support whilst waiting for treatment and post treatment
Hillingdon CAMHS 5 year Transformation plan
Increased co-production Move from Stepped care Model to the THRIVE Model- developing pathways such as LD/MH/ASD; Self Harm, Crisis and Intensive Increase in Evidence based therapies Increase in early intervention and help for all ages from Oct 2016 Targeted support to Vulnerable groups Increased support/joint working with Schools Reduction in inpatient care
Proposed New Projects, using NHSE funding
Developing Outcomes based services (revision of service specification) Ensuring the service pathways are communicate to the children, young peoples and families and Children’s workforce in Hillingdon Reducing the waiting times for CAMH Service Evaluation of Self Harm, Crisis and Intensive support service Evaluation of comprehensive LD service for children with mental health, challenging behaviour and autism Evaluation of a Community Eating Disorder service Understanding the role of Schools/College in emotional well-being and commissioning services such as counselling Development of primary CAMHS for non MH specialist staff (2017/18) Development of MH training for the Children’s workforce (2017/18) Introducing co-production including parents and carers (January – June 2017) Sign off the Hillingdon Autism Strategy
Next Steps LBH and HCCG to jointly commission a pathway without tiers, focusses on treating children and young people in the right place at the right time which: Promotes prevention and early intervention Improves access to effective support Provides smooth care pathways at pre-crisis and crisis points and avoids unnecessary admissions to inpatients care Delivers step down alongside inpatient provision Introduce a single point of access in April 2017
Hillingdon CAMHS Service
Melanie Woodcock – Central North West London NHS FT
Hillingdon Parent Carers Forum
CAMHS Presentation
Current Service Generic Core Team CAMHS Learning Disability Team
Complex Case Team / A&E Support Support to Youth Offending Service Daily Duty Clinician / Duty Consultant
Configuration of Team Core Clinical Team – 14.3 WTE
Learning Disability Team – 4.3 WTE Complex Case / A&E – 3.2 WTE Youth Justice Post – 0.5 WTE
Who The Team Are Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists
Child Psychotherapists Clinical Psychologists Family Therapists Clinical Nurse Specialists CBT Therapist Behaviour Analyst Assistant Psychologists Support & Participation Worker Administration Team
What We Do We provide assessment and treatment for children and young people with Mental Health Difficulties We offer a range of therapeutic multidisciplinary interventions, including family therapy, psychotherapy, CBT medication, psychiatric assessment and monitoring and a range of therapeutic and psycho-educational groups
We See Moderate to Severe Depression
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Psychosis ADHD Assessment of self harm and associated mental health problems Severe stress reaction / PTSD Eating Disorders Emotional & Anxiety Disorders Children with moderate to severe Learning Difficulties / MH / Challenging Behaviours Tourettes & Complex Tic Disorder
What we Can’t See Unless there is a co-morbid presentation we would not see the following: Parenting issues Bullying Child Protection Concern Behavioural / Learning Problem Developmental delay / coordination or social communication difficulties Substance misuse as primary problem
Thank You & Questions
Working With Young People
Yohan McDonald – Hillingdon Mind
Parent/Carer Social Group
Graham Hawkes – Healthwatch Hillingdon
Come And Meet Each Other
CAMEO - a parent/carer social group | friendship | conversation | support | information |
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