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Heroes and Leadership Mr. Garbera.

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Presentation on theme: "Heroes and Leadership Mr. Garbera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroes and Leadership Mr. Garbera

2 Standard Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature.

3 Unit Goals Define “hero” Define cultures impact on a hero
Identify the steps of the Odyssey in the steps of a hero’s journey

4 Leadership Think of someone you consider to be a leader in your life?
What is it about this person that makes them a leader Write a paragraph (4 sentences) on page R55 in your notebooks

5 Define Leadership Traits
In groups, answer the following question for EACH trait: What each trait looks/sounds like on the ultimate leader. Write your responses on the paper. Staple sheet in notebooks page R55.

6 The best 3 Which 3 traits do you believe will need to be the sharpest to have a successful high school career? Why will these 3 traits be the most important. Develop a plan, specific things, that will help develop and improve each of these traits. Staple pink paper to L54

7 Vocab Archetype- arch+typical Values- what is important to us
Culture- a groups ideas about how to behave Pg Read 1028 Write vocab

8 Archetypes film/

9 What is a Hero Embodies cultures belief in a perfect person/leader

10 Hero’s Journey

11 Hero’s Journey

12 Assignment We will watch the movie “The Lion King”
Need to identify the stages of the hero’s journey in this classic hero movie. Not all events will happen in order except the process of going from the known to the unknown and back to the known.

13 City States Athens Sparta Corinth Thebes Argos Delphi Rhodes

14 Heroes across cultures
Every culture has its own values. Some values are universal, but some are specific to cultures. Heroes of a culture depict what they believe the perfect person is to that culture. Historical events and social conditions of different cultures cause different attributes to become valued in leaders. Time can change the way a culture views a hero.

15 Chinese

16 Egypt

17 English

18 Japan

19 Friends with gods Pick 3 gods who you think you would be friends with.




23 Something just like this
List the qualities in our cultures heroes. He is questioning whether or not these qualities are really the most valuable qualities in our culture. For me, he is putting reliability and trustworthiness above these other traits. He believes that in American culture today, someone you can trust is more of a hero than someone who is really strong.

24 Project Students will recognize the positive character traits of heroes as depicted in music, art and literature. The class will break into groups and write a working definition of a hero which they will present to the class. Students will discuss multi-media representations of heroes as well as cultural differences among who is considered a hero. The teacher will provide various works of art depicting heroes, and the students will choose one hero to research for an essay.

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