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6th Grade ELA Unit 3 Monday, November 13, 2017.

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1 6th Grade ELA Unit 3 Monday, November 13, 2017

2 Do Now Use the story map (below, on the right) to create a summary of the fable. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct details from the fable from the list on the left. 2

3 Daily Report Opening Do Now Learning Target Do Now Review Work Time
Compare and Contrast Percy Jackson Book and Video Handout Review Percy Jackson and the Olympians Closing and Assessment Exit Ticket Homework Read Theory 3

4 Do Now Use the story map (below, on the right) to create a summary of the fable. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct details from the fable from the list on the left. The animal must make a hard decision The animal lives comfortably The animal finds the door left open The animal runs out The animal finds happiness 4

5 Reminder Read Theory Remember to complete 2 quizzes at 85% or better between Mon-Fri to earn 100%. Earn 85% Sat-Sun. Don’t cheat yourselves. You need to try your best on each quiz. Do not just try your luck at selecting answers. I will not continue to take low level quizzes. You are Optional 6th grade scholars; you can do it!

6 Learning Target I can compare and contrast the written and video versions of Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. “Based on this learning target, what do you think we will be doing today?” 6.RL.IKI.7 Compare and contrast the written version of a story, drama, or poem to the experience of listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live production of a text.

7 Moving On… S L A N T

8 COMPARING The Lightning Thief and Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Today you will watch a portion of the movie Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief. You are looking for similarities and differences in the novel that you have read and the movie. You will note your comparison on the Comparing The Lightening Thief and Percy Jackson and the Olympians handout. Take a moment to review the handout, so you will know where to make your notations. 6.RL.IKI.7 Compare and contrast the written version of a story, drama, or poem to the experience of listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live production of a text.

9 Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief – The Movie
Percy Jackson and the Olympians

10 Closing Exit Ticket: How does the setting differ in the novel from the setting in the movie? Collect these narrative story lines as a formative assessment to help gauge how much time and support students will need to complete their hero’s journey narratives..

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