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The Presidential Election

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1 The Presidential Election
of 1960

2 The Candidates…. (D) John F. Kennedy (R) Richard M. Nixon

3 Background…… John Kennedy Richard Nixon
Born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1917 Harvard Lt. in US Navy; Pt109 Commander Elected to House in 1946, Senate 1952 Published Profiles in Courage 1957 – wins Pulitzer Prize Richard Nixon Born 1913 in Yorba Linda, California Whittier College and Duke Law School Lt. Commander in US Navy during WW II. Elected to House in 1946, Senate 1950. Vice-President under Ike for 8 years

4 The race for the office…
Both men were young, military veterans, lawyers, had political experience and similar views. However, many historians believe there were (2) important factors that decided the race…..

5 Televised Debates First televised debates in history.
70 million viewers tuned in, more on radio. The first debate, the telegenic Kennedy won the image battle over Nixon who, recovering from the flu, appeared pale and refused make-up.

6 JFK and MLK… When Reverend Martin Luther King was arrested in Atlanta, Kennedy called to offer his sympathy. This garnered Kennedy substantial African-American support in the 1960 election.

7 Election results….


9 Kennedy’s Inaugural Address
President John F. Kennedy delivers his inaugural address at Capitol Hill in Jan. 20, 1961. Kennedy said, "We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty."

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