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Resident Research Curriculum Resident Research Committee Department of Pediatrics The University of Texas Medical Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "Resident Research Curriculum Resident Research Committee Department of Pediatrics The University of Texas Medical Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident Research Curriculum Resident Research Committee Department of Pediatrics The University of Texas Medical Branch

2 Curriculum – Objectives To improve the residents ability to review and apply the medical literature To increase the residents familiarity with the principles of the scientific method To refine the residents understanding of the role of investigation in clinical practice

3 Committee – Responsibilities Development and implementation of the resident research curriculum Supervision and facilitation of the research undertaken by the resident Determination of the completion status of the research undertaken by the resident

4 Committee – Members Beth Auslander, Ph.D. Nigel Bourne, Ph.D. (Co-Chair) Chief Resident Frederick Huang, M.D. (Co-Chair) Sharon Petronella, Ph.D. Cassandra Pruitt, M.D. (Residency Director) David Rassin, Ph.D. Wayne Snodgrass, M.D., Ph.D.

5 Residents – Participation All categorical residents in pediatrics are required to participate in the resident research curriculum –Successful completion is a requirement for graduation Certain residents may request an exemption –Those who have a doctoral degree –Those who are a first author of a published paper Exempted residents must present their work at the Resident Research Forum during their last year of training –Not eligible for award

6 Projects – Types Research project –Investigation of a hypothesis –Basic or clinical –Retrospective or prospective Cochrane review –Analysis of the effectiveness of a treatment – Case report –Description of an phenomenon

7 Projects – General Requirements Must involve a faculty member who is willing and able to mentor the resident –Pediatric or other –Single or group Must not involve more than one resident Must be reviewed and approved by the Resident Research Committee before they are started –Scope –Merit –Feasibility

8 Projects – General Requirements Must be presented at the Resident Research Forum during the residents last year of training Must be entered in the Texas Pediatric Society Electronic Poster Exhibit Contest during the residents last year of training – Must be submitted to a publication or meeting before the end of the residents training

9 Projects – Timeline Introductory meeting about the resident research curriculum –September of PGY-1 Presentation of the proposal to the Resident Research Committee –January of PGY-1 Progress meeting with the Resident Research Committee –January of PGY-2 –January of PGY-3

10 Projects – Timeline Entrance of the project in the Texas Pediatric Society Electronic Poster Exhibit Contest –June of PGY-3 Presentation of the project at the Resident Research Forum –June of PGY-3 Submission of the project to a publication or meeting –Any time before the end of PGY-3

11 Resident Research Forum Venue will be the Pediatric Review & Update conference Projects will be presented by poster –Standard format –4 feet by 6 feet Residents must attend and defend their poster Projects will be judged by a panel of experts First and second prize winners will be chosen –$500 each to first prize resident and mentor –$250 each to second prize resident and mentor

12 Suggestions – Residents Start early and work steadily Ask for help quickly and often Meet frequently with your mentor Utilize your Resident Research Committee contact Have fun

13 Suggestions – Mentors Consider collaborations with your colleagues Encourage grant applications and abstract submissions Meet frequently with your resident Utilize your Resident Research Committee contact Make it count twice

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