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AIRWays Reporting Training Module
Welcome to the online training module for AIRWays Reporting. This training module is designed to help you navigate AIRWays Reporting and understand the different types of information available in the system. The AIR Systems User Guide, Chapter VII. AIRWays Reporting located on the ISAT portal contains additional information about AIRWays Reporting features. Please note that your system may vary from the images shown in this presentation. Copyright © 2017 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.
Objectives After viewing this presentation, you should understand how to: Navigate AIRWays Reporting View student test results and performance on items Search for reports on specific students Enter and modify scores Download and print report information Change display settings Customize the appearance of report tables After viewing this presentation, you should understand how to: Navigate AIRWays Reporting View student test results and performance on items Search for reports on specific students Enter and modify scores Download and print report information Change display settings Customize the appearance of report tables
Purpose of AIRWays Reporting
Displays student and roster test performance tailored to the needs of classroom teachers: Includes item-level reports for interim assessments Also provides school and district reports for authorized users Allows teachers to: View students’ actual work and responses to each test item Score items and modify scores Compare individual students’ performance with overall class performance on a test or item Pinpoint areas for improvement throughout the school year AIRWays Reporting provides access to performance on assessments and individual test items for students and rosters. School- and district-level users can additionally view reports for their school and/or district. AIRWays Reporting provides insight into how students performed on specific items of interim assessments. Teachers can use the system to: view students’ actual work, presenting a clear picture of the topics that students have mastered and where they need to improve, score items and modify scores, compare individual students’ performance with overall class performance on a test or item, and pinpoint areas for improvement throughout the school year.
Logging in to AIRWays Reporting
To log in to AIRWays Reporting, you must have an authorized address and password, which is the same as the one you use for TIDE and the TA Interface. Contact your School Administrator if you do not have a TIDE account. AIRWays Reporting is a secure, role-based system. Your access to reports and data in the system depends upon your user role and your district and school associations. To log in to AIRWays Reporting, go to your portal. Click the appropriate assessment card. On the next page, click the AIRWays Reporting system card. Enter your username and password, and then click Secure Login.
Logging in to AIRWays Reporting (cont.)
The system has an authentication process that will be triggered when you log in from a different device or browser, or after clearing your browser’s cache. If you see this screen, an containing the code will have automatically been sent to your address. Enter the code and click Submit. If you need the code resent, click Resend Code. When logging in to the system using a new device or browser, or after clearing the cache on a previously-used browser, you will see an Enter Code page. If you see this screen, you will need to enter the code on this page within five minutes of receiving the . If you do not receive a code or do not enter the code within the five-minute time limit, click Resend Code. Click Submit after entering the authentication code to access the system.
Resetting Your Password
You will need to reset your password in the following situations: You forget your password. Your activation link expired. Your account is locked because you exceeded the account login attempt limit. It is a new school year. To reset your password, click the Forgot Your Password Link. You will be taken to the Reset Your Password page. Enter and confirm a new password and click Submit.
My Assessments The Dashboard is the first page you will see when you log in. On this page, all users will see the My Assessments table, which provides a list of the assessments completed by your students. Each row in the table displays the assessment’s name, test reason, the number of students who have completed the assessment, the average score earned by those students, a graph showing the percentage of students in each performance level, and the date the assessment was last taken. Test reasons are categories used to classify test opportunities for reporting purposes. If your students will take the same assessment multiple times, assigning different test reasons can help you to distinguish scores for the different test opportunities in AIRWays Reporting. Test administrators can assign a test reason at the time of testing, when they start a test session in the TA Interface. Otherwise, the test reason will appear as “Unassigned.” We will discuss how to modify test reasons later in this module. To view your students’ performance on a test, click the magnifying glass next to an assessment’s name. We will discuss viewing student test performance in a moment.
My Students If you are logged in as a teacher, you will see a second table on the Dashboard titled My Students. You can get to this table by scrolling down, or access it more quickly by collapsing the My Assessments table. To collapse the My Assessments table, click the blue down arrow next to its title. When the table is collapsed, this arrow will point up instead of down. The My Students table shows a list of your students, their student IDs, their most recent assessment, and the date their most recent assessment was taken. To view the Student Portfolio Report, which includes a list of all assessments taken by a student, click the magnifying glass next to a student’s name. We will discuss Student Portfolio Reports later in this training module.
AIRWays Reports Reports Available in AIRWays Reporting: Report Type
Used to… My Students’ Performance on Test View how students and rosters in your classes performed on a test. School Performance on Test View how students and rosters in your school performed on a test. District Performance on Test View how schools in your district performed on a test. Student Performance on Test View how a single student performed on a test. Student Portfolio View how a single student performed on all tests. AIRWays Reporting organizes performance data into different types of reports. Here, you can see a summary of the reports that are available in the system. Note that not all reports are accessible to all users. For example, both school- and district-level users can view school performance on a test, but only district-level users can view district performance on a test. For detailed information about report types and user roles, see the AIR Systems User Guide, Chapter VII AIRWays Reporting.
Reports for Teachers, Schools, and Districts
To view a report showing how your rosters and students performed on an individual assessment, click the magnifying glass next to an assessment on the Dashboard. The sample report shown here is for a teacher. School-level users will see a report for all rosters and students associated with their school, and district-level users will see a report for all schools in their district. In other words, reports for teachers, schools, and districts all contain similar information, but for different populations. Note that AIRWays Reporting only includes data for scorable test opportunities. A student’s test opportunity cannot be scored when it has a test status of “Expired” or “Invalidated.”
Performance by Roster Some reports can be viewed by roster or by student. This sample report shows performance by roster. You can move between performance by roster and performance by student by using the tabs above the report. The report’s first row shows the maximum obtainable points on the test. The second row shows average performance for all students in the report. The other rows show how your rosters performed on the test. To view the performance of individual students within a roster, click the magnifying glass next to the roster’s name.
Informational Pop-ups
On some pages in AIRWays Reporting, you can learn more about the data in a table by clicking the blue information icon next to it. A pop-up will describe the data in more detail.
Expanding and Collapsing Columns
Reports contain columns that can be expanded or collapsed. For example, in the report shown here, the Total column is expanded to show the student count, test completion rate, average score, and performance distribution for each roster. You can see additional columns on the right side of the report. These columns are collapsed. Note that column names will vary depending on the test you are viewing. To collapse a column, click the minus sign above its name. Additional data will appear, and the minus will change to a plus. To expand a collapsed column, click the plus sign above its name. As you expand columns, the report may become too large to fit all columns on the screen at once. To view any columns that extend off the edge of the page, click the blue arrow that appears to the side of the report.
Performance by Student
To view performance by student, click the Performance by Student tab near the top of the report. When viewing performance by student, each test opportunity for each student is displayed on a separate row. Therefore, students may appear more than once in the table if they have taken the same test multiple times. To view more information about an individual test opportunity, click the magnifying glass next to a student’s name.
Student Portfolio The My Students table allows you to view student portfolios. The Student Portfolio shows a list of all tests that the student has completed, including the student’s score and performance level, as well as the average score and performance distribution of all your students who took the test. You can access this report from the Dashboard by clicking a magnifying glass next to a student in the My Students table. You can also jump to a Student Portfolio for any of your students by entering his or her student ID into the search box on the right side of the gray bar above the report. From the Student Portfolio, you can view the student’s performance on a particular test by clicking the magnifying glass next to the name of the test.
Student Performance on Test
After clicking the magnifying glass next to a student’s name, a report will appear that shows the student’s performance on each item of the test for the selected opportunity. You can return to a previous report by selecting an item in the page navigation trail that appears in the gray bar above the report. Item-level data on this page appear as clickable links. Clicking one of these links will pull up an item view window that shows the student’s actual response.
Item View Window For example, you can click the score that a student received on an item to open the Item View Window for that item. The window consists of an Item & Score tab and a Rubric & Resources tab. A banner at the top of the window displays the item’s number and score.
Item Preview Windows: Item & Score
Viewing item-level information is what makes AIRWays Reporting so useful for classroom instruction. For example, teachers can see a student’s wrong answer and then start a conversation with the student about how they approached the problem and where they went off track. The Item & Score tab displays the item as it appeared on the assessment in the Student Testing Site, the student’s actual response, scoring criteria, and the item’s score. When an item has multiple scoring dimensions, the Scoring Criteria table appears, listing the name, maximum points, points earned, and any selected condition codes for each scoring dimension. This table also allows you to modify scores for items with editable scores. For items associated with a passage, the passage also appears. You can change the roster or student displayed in the pop-up using the Roster or Student dropdown menu located at the top of the pop-up. To view performance for the previous item on the test, click the item button in the upper-left corner of the screen. To view performance for the next item on the test, click the item button in the upper-right corner. You can also show or hide student test settings in the item by clicking the toggle switch on the right side of the window.
Entering or Modifying Scores
Any user with scoring permissions may enter or modify scores for unscored items and certain machine-scored items. You can modify the scores for certain items directly from the Item View window on available Assessment Reports. A test’s Assessment Report will display a pencil icon in the column headers for each item with editable scores. To review a student’s entered response, click the pencil icon in the Scoring Criteria Table at the top of the window. To enter a score for the response, select a numerical score from the Score drop-down list. If the item consists of multiple scoring criteria, select a numerical score from the Score drop-down list for all scoring criteria. To save the score, click Save. When you close the Item View window, any average scores or performance distributions on the Assessment Report update automatically.
Item Preview Window: Rubric and Resources
The Rubric and Resources tab of the Items Preview Window displays the following sections when available for a test item: Item Details, which include the item’s topic, difficulty, and content alignment Resources, which provides links to any exemplars or guides available for an item Rubric, which displays the criteria used to score an item Frequency Distribution of Student Responses, which provides a breakdown of how many students earned each possible point value available for the item To expand a section, click the up arrow. To collapse a section, click the down arrow. Please note that all sections in the Rubric and Resources tab may not be available for a test item.
Entering Scores for Unscored Items
If a test contains unscored items, its performance data is excluded from your Dashboard and Assessment Reports until you or another user with scoring permissions enters scores for all the unscored items in at least one opportunity of that test. When you have tests awaiting item scoring, a Tests to Score notification appears in the banner. To enter scores for unscored items, click the Tests to Score notification. The Scoring Mode window will open and display a list of tests with unscored items. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the name of the test you wish to score.
Entering Scores for Unscored Items, continued
The Test Scoring page will appear in the Scoring Mode window. The Scoring Mode window displays a list of students and items awaiting scoring for the selected test. To enter scores for an item, click the Score link for the item in the student’s row. The Item View window will open. You can review the items rubric and available resources on the Rubric & Resources tab, if necessary. On the Item & Score tab, review the student’s entered response for scoring. To enter a score for the response, select or type a numerical score in the Points Earned drop-down menu and click Save. If you need to assign a condition code to the response, select the appropriate option from the Condition Code drop-down list. You can continue scoring unscored items in the Item Preview Window. To view another unscored item for the same student, use the arrow buttons at the top of the Item View window. To view the same unscored item for another student, select the student from the Student field at the top of the Item View window To exit the Item Preview window and Scoring Mode window, click the X icon in the upper-right corner.
Printing and Downloading
AIRWays Reporting allows users to print or download data on any page in AIRWays Reporting. To print or download a page in AIRWays Reporting, click the Print button in the upper-right corner of the report. If you are printing a report that contains multiple tables, you will also need to select which table you wish to print.
Printing and Downloading, continued
When you click Print, a print preview screen will appear. Next, examine the options on the left side of the screen. If the report you wish to print provides data about individual test items, you can choose to include or exclude this information from the printed report by selecting Summary Only or Summary and Item Scores. Finally, select whether you wish to print the report, download the report as a PDF file, or download the report as a spreadsheet in CSV format. Note that your available print options will depend on the format you select. When you are ready to download or print, click Confirm.
Using the Inbox All downloaded reports will appear in your Inbox, located in the banner. The Inbox stores any PDF or CSV versions of reports you print from a report page, any file exports you create in TIDE or ORS, as well as secure files uploaded by administrative users. These files automatically expire after a designated period unless you archive them. To view a downloaded report, click Inbox. The Inbox window appears, listing the available files. The Inbox dashboard displays all the files except those that you have archived. Archived displays files that you archived. To filter the files by keyword, enter a search term in the text box above the list of files. The table allows users to download, archive, and delete downloaded files. To download a file, click the file name in the Name column. To archive a file, click the file box icon in the Actions column. To delete a file, click the trashcan icon in the Actions column. A check icon will appear in the Viewed column if you have previously downloaded a report. The Days Available column displays how many days the report will be available for download before expiration.
My Settings Users wishing to manage test reasons, change display settings, manage rosters, or change their user role can perform these tasks using the My Settings menu. The options in this list will vary, depending on your user role. In the next section of the training module, we will discuss these features in detail.
Manage Test Reasons: Search Test Sessions
If you wish to classify one or more test opportunity using test reasons, you can assign test reasons after the fact using the Manage Test Reasons feature. To assign a test reason to a set of test opportunities, select Manage Test Reasons from the My Settings menu. In the pop-up window that appears, search for test opportunities by session ID or by an existing test reason and date. Click Search to display test opportunities.
Manage Test Reasons: Select Test Opportunities
Your results will appear in the bottom of the window. Test opportunities are organized hierarchically. Click the plus sign next to a session ID to see all the tests that were in that session. Click the plus sign next to a test name to see all the students who took that test during the session. You can select test opportunities by marking one or more checkboxes. You can select students individually, select all students who took a test, or select all students in a test session. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the pop-up window and click Assign Test Reasons to confirm your selections.
Manage Test Reasons: Assign Opportunities
Finally, you will be asked to select a test reason to assign to the selected opportunities. Choose a test reason from the drop-down list, and then click Confirm to assign the test reason.
Select Tests to Display
Teachers can change which tests are displayed in AIRWays Reporting. For example, an ELA teacher can choose to hide all Mathematics tests. By default, all tests are displayed for all teachers. To change displayed tests, click Select Tests to Display in the My Students menu. A pop-up window will appear that lists all available tests that can be displayed in AIRWays Reporting. You may uncheck a box to hide a single test, or uncheck a box for a subject or grade to hide all tests for that subject or grade. When you have finished selecting tests to be displayed, click Save & Close to save your selections and close the window. AIRWays Reporting will remember your test display preferences even when you log out. If you cannot see information for a specific test, you can check here to make sure the test is not hidden.
Select Roster Preferences
School- and district-level users can choose which rosters display for teachers by selecting Select Roster Preferences in the My Settings menu. In the pop-up window that appears, choose whether to view all rosters, or view rosters according to teacher preferences. If you select Teacher Preferences, you will not see data for teachers who have excluded a given test. To continue the example on the previous slide: If an ELA teacher chooses to hide Mathematics tests, then school- and district-level users will not see that teacher’s rosters when viewing Mathematics tests.
Set Student Settings Display
To change whether student test settings are shown by default in item view, click Set Student Settings Display in the My Students menu. A pop-up window will appear that allows you to choose whether to show or hide test settings by default when you view a test item. You can always toggle this setting on and off for individual items using the switch in the Item Preview Window. If you choose Yes, you will view all test items with the student’s test settings applied. If you choose No, you will see all test items without the student’s test settings. When finished, click Save to close the pop-up window.
Manage Rosters School- and district-level users can also add, edit, or upload rosters from the My Settings menu. These functions all work exactly the same way they do in TIDE. For details about managing rosters, consult your TIDE User Guide.
Change User Role If your account is associated with multiple user roles, you may change the role you are using by selecting Change Role in the My Settings menu.
Customizing Report Tables
You can customize report tables in AIRWays Reporting in the following ways: Filter Sort Change the number of rows displayed per page Move to the next/previous page Next, we will discuss some helpful tools for customizing report tables. You can filter and sort report tables in AIRWays Reporting. You can also change the number of rows to display on each page and move to a different page. For detailed information about customizing report tables, refer to the AIR Systems User Guide, Chapter VII. AIRWays Reporting.
Filtering Reports You may wish to filter a report to show only certain information. For example, you could filter by test reason to show only the opportunities that have “2nd Quarter Interim” as the test reason. You could also filter by the claim, “Modeling and Data Analysis,” to show only the items associated with that claim. To filter a report, select the Filters tool and then select the desired filter criteria in the drop-down lists. The available criteria will depend on the report type and the assessment you are viewing. After selecting your criteria, click Apply to apply the filter.
Sorting Reports You can sort a report by clicking the arrows next to a column header. Click once to sort in descending order, and click a second time to sort in ascending order.
Customizing Table Rows
You can change the number of rows displayed on each page of the report by entering a number into the text box labeled Rows per page, which is located under the report table. If your report is two or more pages long, you can also go to the next or previous page using the arrow buttons shown here.
What is the Digital Library?
Hosts a collection of instructional and professional learning resources Is aligned to Common Core State Standards Helps educators implement formative assessments to improve teaching and learning The AIRWays Reporting System identifies areas in which students need additional support and provides links to relevant resources in the Digital Library. The Digital Library is a cohesive online collection of educational resources contributed by educators from states and territories in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The educational resources include instructional and professional learning resources that are created, reviewed, and approved by educators for educators. These resources are aligned to Common Core State Standards and help educators implement formative assessments to improve teaching and learning.
How Can I Access the Digital Library from AIRWays Reporting?
On any Interim Assessment Block (IAB) assessment report, you can access the Digital Library from the Resources icon with a stack of books located in the upper left corner. When you click the icon, you will be taken to a Test Resources window.
How Can I Access the Digital Library from AIRWays Reporting
How Can I Access the Digital Library from AIRWays Reporting? (continued) If a test has a longitudinal report available, there will be a drop-down icon next to the test name. Click the drop-down icon and select Test Resources. You will then be directed to the Test Resources window.
How Can I Access the Digital Library from AIRWays Reporting
How Can I Access the Digital Library from AIRWays Reporting? (continued) The Test Resources window includes a link and description to one or more playlists associated with the assessment report you are viewing in AIRWays Reporting. After you click a playlist link, you will be directed to the Digital Library sign-in page on the Smarter Balanced website. You will need to sign in using the and password you entered when registering. Once you sign in, you will be redirected to the listed resources.
Contact Your Help Desk You can contact the Help Desk for assistance with any technical issues you encounter. When contacting the Idaho Help Desk, please be ready to provide: Any error messages that are appearing (including codes) Your operating system (Windows or Macintosh) and browser information (like Chrome, Firefox or Edge) Your network configuration information Your contact information for follow-up by phone or Any other relevant information, such as test names or content areas, student IDs, session IDs, and search criteria For test administration or policy issues, please contact your District Test Coordinator. You can find the AIR Systems User Guide, Chapter VII. AIRWays Reporting and other helpful resources on the ISAT portal. However, if you still require assistance with troubleshooting a technical issue, you may also contact the Idaho Help Desk. When contacting the Idaho Help Desk, please be ready to provide the following information: Any error messages that are appearing (including codes) Your operating system (Windows or Macintosh) and browser information (like Chrome, Firefox or Edge) Your network configuration information Your contact information for follow-up by phone or Any other relevant information, such as test names or content areas, student IDs, session IDs, and search criteria For questions about test administration or policy issues, please contact your District Test Coordinator.
Thank You! Further Information Visit
Call, fax, or the American Institutes for Research Idaho Help Desk Hours: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Mountain Time, Monday-Friday (except holidays) Phone: Fax: SDE: Nancy Thomas Price – ISAT ELA/Literacy & Math Comprehensive Heidi Arrate – ISAT Science & End of Course (Biology & Chemistry) Karren Streagle – Special Education & Alternate Assessment Thank you for taking the time to view this training module. For detailed information, consult the AIR Systems User Guide, Chapter VII. AIRWays Reporting located on the ISAT portal or contact the Idaho Help Desk.
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