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Learn the How to in Building An Engineering Technology Workforce ILLINOIS VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE National Science Foundation Grant # 0802505 $520,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn the How to in Building An Engineering Technology Workforce ILLINOIS VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE National Science Foundation Grant # 0802505 $520,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn the How to in Building An Engineering Technology Workforce ILLINOIS VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE National Science Foundation Grant # 0802505 $520,000 Award years 2008-2011 An Inventors Camp For Creating Interest In Technical Careers

2 Dorene Perez, IVCC Program Director CAD/CAE NSF Grant Principal Investigator Jim Gibson, IVCC Program Director Electronics NSF Grant Co-Principal Investigator Rose Marie Lynch, IVCC Communications Instr. NSF Grant Co-Principal Investigator

3 Objectives Increase awareness of Technical Careers Increase enrollment in Technical programs at IVCC Prepare students by integrating STEM activities STEM = S cience, T echnology, E ngineering, M ath

4 Addressing Barriers to Engineering Young peopleYoung women Too difficult Too much math & science Unfeminine Not relevant Not a teamwork field Need technical confidence Misperceptions

5 Addressing Barriers to Engineering Young people Hands-on STEM exercises Reach parents, teachers, counselors Young women Role Models Teamwork exercises Demonstrate relevance Build Technical Confidence Accurate information

6 High School Initiatives Tech Club Special events Leadership Team TEC Course

7 High School Tech Club Participate in Hands on activities Field trips Industry speakers /role models Compete in contests Affiliated Technology Student Association (TSA)

8 Taste of Engineering Careers Course TEC Course: Engineering the guitar High school students IVCC credit Student emerges with a guitar State Representative Frank Mautino

9 TEC Course Content How a guitar works – physics, music Wiring and setup Instrument design Neck, body, fret board parts Sanding, finishing Wiring harnesses Final assembly and setup Measuring build variation Jam session Students go home with a guitar Mark French Purdue University

10 Special Events Edible Car Contest

11 Special Events For Women A TEA At historic landmark Hegeler Carus Mansion Mary Hegeler Carus first woman engineering graduate University of Michigan

12 Special Events For Women Single teen mothers activity Design a toy

13 Promotional Materials Poster Contest High school students Reception/prizes for participants Utilize posters for recruiting

14 Promotional Materials Materials on salaries & IVCC programs

15 Publicity Local newspaper Newsletter to public school administrators

16 Special Events Half Day Inventor Camps Week-long Inventor Camps Middle School Sequence

17 Middle School Special Event Construct – I Can

18 Middle School Inventor Camps

19 Middle School Inventor Camp

20 Ready to be an eighth grader??

21 For more information: Dorene Perez 815-224-0221 Jim Gibson 815-224-0453 Rose Marie Lynch 815-224-0209 Visit web site:

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