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Ions and Ionic Bonding.

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Presentation on theme: "Ions and Ionic Bonding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ions and Ionic Bonding

2 2 Types of Ions: 1. Cation- atoms LOSE electrons and become more positive (because they have less electrons All metals are cations

3 2. Anion- atoms GAIN electrons and become more negative (because they have more electrons)
All nonmetals are anions

4 CATion is a positively charged ion

5 AN(T)ion is a negatively charged ion

6 So find Barium… How many valence electrons does it have?: Will it be easier to lose 2 or gain 6 to have a full octet?

7 So find Oxygen… How many valence electrons does it have?: Will it be easier to lose 6 or gain 2 to have a full octet?

8 Label periodic table Group 1A will have +1 charge
Group 4A will have +4 or -4 charge Group 5A will have -3charge Group 6A will have -2 charge Group 7A will have -1 charge Group 8A will have charge

9 On page 41 Element Write ion Cation or Anion? K Cl Mg N

10 Is it a metal or nonmetal?
Naming ions Ba2+ Is it a metal or nonmetal? Metal Then it is the name of the metal and ion at the end--- Barium ion

11 Is it a metal or nonmetal?
Naming ions O2- Is it a metal or nonmetal? Nonmetal Then change the ending to ide Oxide ion

12 On page 41 Element Write ion Name the ions Sr Al Cl P

13 Transition metals Transition metals can have multiple charges. The roman numeral represents the charge of the ion Example: Fe3+ or Fe2+ The name would be Iron (III) ion and Iron (II) ion

14 Element Write ion Cation or anion
On page 41 Element Write ion Cation or anion Chromium (IV) Cobalt (II) Manganese (III) Copper (I)

15 Polyatomic ions A group of elements that function as one unit and carry a charge Examples Sulfate SO42- See polyatomic ion chart.

16 Elements want a noble gas configuration.
Ionic Bonds Elements want a noble gas configuration. Elements either gain or lose electrons to gain noble gas configuration. Look at Na and Cl


18 Criss Cross Method Example: Sodium combines with chlorine

19 Page 44 Rules for ion dice Find a partner with the opposite charged ion dice that you have (if you have positive, find a negative partner) Copy the chart on next slide on page 43 to record your answers When you and your partner are finished I will come check your work and stamp your unit sheet

20 Reason Why compound could not be made
Role Is Compound able to be made? Yes or No Cation symbol (+) Anion symbol (-) Compound Made (criss cross) Name of the compound Reason Why compound could not be made 1 If No, proceed to last column 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21 Page 46 Molecular compounds
Involve the sharing of electrons Uses differences in electronegativies Electronegativity-the tendency of an element to pull other electrons towards itself What elements have no electronegativity?

22 Molecular compounds are…
made of just nonmetals smallest piece is a molecule can’t be held together by opposite charge attraction can’t use charges to figure out how many of each atom (there are no charges present)

23 Molecular compounds are easier!
Ionic compounds use charges to determine how many of each. You have to figure out charges. May need to criss-cross numbers. Molecular compounds: the name tells you the number of atoms. Uses prefixes to tell you the exact number of each element present!

24 Prefixes 1 mono- 2 di- 3 tri- 4 tetra- 5 penta- 6 hexa- 7 hepta-
8 octa-

25 Prefixes 9 nona- 10 deca- To write the name write two words

26 Prefixes Prefix name Prefix name -ide 9 nona- 10 deca-
To write the name write two words Prefix name Prefix name -ide

27 Prefixes Prefix name Prefix name -ide 9 nona- 10 deca-
To write the name write two words One exception is we don’t write mono- if there is only one of the first element. Prefix name Prefix name -ide

28 Prefixes Prefix name Prefix name -ide 9 nona- 10 deca-
To write the name write two words One exception is we don’t write mono- if there is only one of the first element. No double vowels when writing names (oa oo) Prefix name Prefix name -ide

29 Page 45 Name These N2O NO2 Cl2O7 CBr4 CO2 BaCl2

30 Page 45 Write formulas for these
diphosphorus pentoxide tetraiodide nonoxide sulfur hexaflouride nitrogen trioxide Carbon tetrahydride phosphorus trifluoride aluminum chloride

31 Writing names and Formulas
Acids Writing names and Formulas

32 Acids Compounds that give off hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.
Must have H in them. will always be some H next to an anion. The anion determines the name.

33 Naming acids If the anion attached to hydrogen is ends in -ide, put the prefix hydro- and change -ide to -ic acid HCl - hydrogen ion and chloride ion hydrochloric acid H2S hydrogen ion and sulfide ion hydrosulfuric acid

34 Naming Acids If the anion has oxygen in it it ends in -ate of -ite
change the suffix -ate to -ic acid HNO3 Hydrogen and nitrate ions Nitric acid change the suffix -ite to -ous acid HNO2 Hydrogen and nitrite ions Nitrous acid

35 Name these HF H3P H2SO4 H2SO3 HCN H2CrO4

36 Writing Formulas Hydrogen will always be first
name will tell you the anion make the charges cancel out. Starts with hydro- no oxygen, -ide no hydro, -ate comes from -ic, -ite comes from -ous

37 Write formulas for these
hydroiodic acid acetic acid carbonic acid phosphorous acid hydrobromic acid

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