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Vladimir Lenin.

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1 Vladimir Lenin

2 Biography Original Name: Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov
Occupation: Chairman of the Soviet Union, Revolutionary leader   Born: April 22, 1870 at Simbirsk, Russian Empire Death: January 21, 1924 at Gorki, Soviet Union Best known for: Leading the Russian Revolution and establishing the Soviet Union, inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, and Leninism

3 Lenin is remembered as the founder of the Soviet Union
Lenin is remembered as the founder of the Soviet Union. His ideas on Marxism and communism have become known as Leninism. He was one of the most influential political leaders of the 20th century. 

4 Leninism Leninism is the theory and tactics of the proletarian revolution in general, the theory and tactics of the dictatorship of the proletariat in particular. It is the further development of Marxism.

5 His early years

6 He was born in the city of Simbirsk in the Russian Empire on April 22, 1870 into a well-educated family. School was a central part of his childhood. In 1887, his father died. His older brother, Aleksandr Ulyanov joined a revolutionary terrorist society. In 1891 Aleksandr was arrested and later executed for taking part in an assassination plot against Tsar Alexander III.  That year marked a turning point for Lenin and determined his path as future revolutionary. 

7 Becoming a revolutionary

8 He became convinced that Marxism was the ideal form of government.
The year of his brother’s execution, Lenin enrolled at Kazan University to study law. But he was soon expelled for taking part in student protests. Around that time he became interested in the works of Karl Marx. He became convinced that Marxism was the ideal form of government. In 1893 he moved to St. Petersburg, then the capital of the Russian Empire. Lenin quickly became involved with Marxist societies and radical groups Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism

9 In 1895 he founded a group of his own called “The Union for the Liberation of the Working Class.” Soon he was arrested along with his collaborators.  In Siberian exile, he met his future wife Nadezhda Krupskaya  His teachings attracted were not popular with the Russian authorities. So Lenin, together with his wife, decided to leave the country and created his own propaganda machine. In 1900 Lenin launched his legendary newspaper “Iskra.”

10 WWI

11 When World War I broke out in 1914, millions of Russian workmen and peasants were forced to join the army. They were sent into battle under terrible conditions. They often had little training, no food, no shoes, and sometimes were forced to fight without weapons. Millions of Russian soldiers were killed under the leadership of the Tsar. The Russian people were ready to revolt. 

12 February revolution

13 In 1917, the February Revolution occurred in Russia
In 1917, the February Revolution occurred in Russia. The Tsar was overthrown and the government was run by the Provisional Government. With Germany's help, Lenin returned to Russia. He began to speak out against the Provisional Government. He said it was no better than the Tsarist government. He wanted a government ruled by the people.

14 Soviet Union leader

15 In October of 1917, Lenin and his Bolshevik Party took over the government. Upon establishing the new government, Lenin made many changes. He immediately established peace with Germany and exited World War I. This was what Germany was hoping for when they helped him sneak back into Russia. He also took land from the rich landholders and divided it up amongst the peasants.

16 Later life

17 In 1918, Lenin was shot in an assassination attempt
In 1918, Lenin was shot in an assassination attempt. Although he survived, his health was never good again. Starting in 1922, he suffered several strokes. He finally died from a stroke on January 21, 1924.


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