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10 Steps to War & Independence

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1 10 Steps to War & Independence
American Government

2 Step 1: Navigation Laws (1750)
A series of laws that forced the colonies to trade JUST with England. Result/Reaction: Colonists held many protests.

3 Step 2: French & Indian War (1753-1763)
French colonists moved into English territory. War begins, English win & gain more land. Result/Reaction: Begin taxing colonists

4 Step 3: Sugar Act (1764) Placed a duty (tax) on sugar coming from the West Indies. Result/Reaction: Colonists protested “No taxation without representation.”

5 Step 4: Stamp Act (1765) England puts a tax on all paper goods.
Result/Reaction: Led to a major uproar. Ships met in harbor, can’t unload stamps, tax men are beaten.

6 Step 5: Townsend Act (1767) Taxes placed on tea, glass, lead, paint, oil and paper before they reach the colonies. Result/Reaction: Bigger riots erupt. Colonist merchants agree to boycott British goods.

7 Step 6: Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)
Group of angry citizens go to English government offices in Boston. Colonists run away, but 5 are killed and many others are wounded. Results/Reactions: Soldiers put on trial

8 Step 7: Tea Act (1773) Gives the East India Company exclusive rights to trade tea with the colonies. Results/Reactions: Boston Tea Party

9 Step 8a: Intolerable Acts (1774)
Boston Harbor is closed until the tea is paid for. King restricted town meetings.

10 Step 8b: Quartering Act (1774)
Authorized British officers to house their troops on private property. Results/Reactions: Colonies again boycott British goods

11 Step 9: 1st Continental Congress (1774)
Colonies send representatives to Philadelphia. Write letter to King George stating their intentions. Results/Reactions: King arrests people he thinks is causing problems.

12 Step 10: April 19, 1775 Shot Heard Round the World!
British fire on the Colonists. Results/Reactions: Revolution Begins.

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