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Warm-Up: Take a ½ sheet from the tan bin.

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1 1. 3. 2. Warm-Up: Take a ½ sheet from the tan bin.
Place your homework on your desk. Place “Teens and Tattoos” on your desk. Number your paper 1-3. Look at each of the pictures below. Choose a word that most closely relates with each picture. Write that word and how it relates on your ¼ sheet. Libel: Propaganda: Slander: Appoint: Conserving: Incriminate: Inferred: Institutions: Multitudes: Initiate: Tranquility: Concurrent: 1. 3. 2.

2 Sheets 7 and 8 7A: Libel: Using untrue words to hurt someone’s reputation 7B: Propaganda: Lies used to persuade people into believing something 7C: Slander: Insults and bad information used to hurt someone’s reputation. 7D: Appoint: Select or choose. 7E: Conserving: Saving, keeping, protecting. 7F: Incriminate: To show evidence or proof of involvement in a crime. 8A: Inferred: Understood, supposed, concluded. 8B: Institutions: Groups and organizations. 8C: Multitudes: Large numbers; many. 8D: Initiate: Start, introduce, begin. 8E: Tranquility: Peacefulness. 8F: Concurrent: Existing, happening, or done at the same time.

3 Sheets 5 and 6 5A: Ratify: Approve or confirm 5B: Amateur: A beginner, one who is not paid for doing a job 5C: Regulated: Controlled, planned 5D: Dispute: An argument or disagreement 5E: Composed: Made up of 5F: Resolution: An answer or solution to a problem 6A: Absolute: Total and complete 6B: Obligated: Required to do something 6C: Unanimous: Common; totally agreed upon 6D: Sovereign: Absolute; supreme; total 6E: Constituent: Basic; essential 6F: Sanctions: Punishments or penalties

4 Sheets 3 and 4 3A. Obstruct: To interrupt or block. 3B. Prosecution: Taking someone to court for committing a crime. 3C. Assent: Acceptance, agreement, approval. 3D. Impartial: Neutral, fair, on neither side. 3E. Delegate: Assign something to a group of people to do. 3F. Grievance: Complaint, criticism, protest. 4A. Persecute: To bully, harass, torment, or bother. 4B. Tyranny: Cruelty, bullying. 4C. Plunder: To steal or rob. 4D. Economic: Having to do with money. 4E. Fundamental: Basics; very important part of something. 4F. Bias: Favoritism; (like playing favorites)

5 Sheets 1 and 2 1A. Aghast: horrified 1B. Stupefied: confused 1C. Goad: to whip or annoy into doing something 1D. In Vain: with no purpose 1E. Spontaneously: suddenly 1F. Navigate: to find the correct path from one spot to another 2A. Empower: To give power or strength to. 2B. Timid: Being scared or being unsure of yourself. 2C. Philanthropy: A desire to help people, especially through charity. 2D. Advocate: To speak or write in favor of something. 2E. Amend: To make minor changes in something to make it more fair. 2F. Peer: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background and social status.

6 Initiate Institutions Tranquility Concurrent
Write a sentence using initiate and institutions. Institutions Write a sentence using initiate and tranquility. Write a sentence using all four words. Write a sentence using institutions and concurrent. Tranquility Write a sentence using tranquility and concurrent. Concurrent

7 Agenda (Wednesday, 2/13) Essential Question: Using dialogue and actions from the text as evidence, how are we aware that Luke is beginning to change? Standard: LAFS.8.RL.1.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. LAFS.8.RL.1.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Objective: Students will use essential details of a text to determine how aspects of a character are being revealed. Warm-Up: Vocabulary Review Whole Group: Vocabulary Sheets 7 and 8 Test RATA: Chapter 17 Discuss using better elaboration for HOTQ. Discuss using vocabulary words with HOTQ. Work Period: Technology: Achieve 3000, fill out yellow sheet and answer Activity Questions (“New Rules for Young Farmers?”). Independent Work: Grade 8: Read Chapters 16 of Among the Hidden and complete BMH questions and HOTQ. Independent Reading: Choose a book from the class library. Read quietly. Focus on any new vocabulary you can find. Teacher-Led: See Teacher-Led Groups Print-Outs.

8 Thor A Stephanie Akers B Christian Hendrix C Jaquan Eley E
SRC: Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) A Stephanie Akers B Christian Hendrix C Jaquan Eley E Joevin Kearse  Captain America SRC:Explainer: How Scientists Know Earth is Warming (Common Lit) Rylee Patterson Cody Tison Donte Yancey Nicolas Duarte G Lataysia Jones Iron Man WR 1, 2 and Fluency 3, 4 A Brown, Paris C Gjoka, Klevisa B Kevin Fera D Cardarrius Mosley  Black Widow SRC Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) Connor Chubb Luis Osorio Alex Rivera E Angel Chavez

9 Thor A Laleh Ghasseminia B Izabella Dupree C Jalantis Stephens F
SRC Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) A Laleh Ghasseminia B Izabella Dupree C Jalantis Stephens F Bryan Johnson H Chris Moore  Captain America SRC:Explainer: How Scientists Know Earth is Warming (Common Lit) Cortney Reneau Antonio Mancinotti E Jaylon Hawkins Tenasia Velezcruz Iron Man WR (1-3) and WM (4-6) A Skylar Harris F Madison Macias C Janie Jackson D Paige Clayton E Jacob Bollinger B Dontrell Harris H Darius Mitchell  Black Widow SRC Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) Justin Norales Jayonna Robinson Jatavia Bell Angel McClintock Tara Newmans

10 Iron Man A Laila Foreman C Damario Everheart Black Widow D Oscar Stern
WR A Laila Foreman C Damario Everheart Black Widow WM D Oscar Stern  Thor SRC Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) Zahir Miller Tazarya Sailor F Zachary Hewett H Eliana Carson  Captain America SRC:Explainer: How Scientists Know Earth is Warming (Common Lit) Jordan Marshall Alan Banjac Avery Roca Emmanuel King

11 Iron Man B Faridatu Sannoh D Jeremiah Powell E Trevin Butler G
Iron Man WM (1-2) and Fluency (3-4) B Faridatu Sannoh D Jeremiah Powell E Trevin Butler G Jaquez Lloyd  Black Widow SC Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) A Brandon Ervie C Jaquaivius Harden Joey Witt Esther Vaz F Lashai Walker  Thor SRC Army Code Talkers (Common Lit) A Edwin Carlos C Ivan Cuadra-Ramirez D Andy Ramirez F Juan Alameda De La Rosa  Captain America SRC:Explainer: How Scientists Know Earth is Warming (Common Lit) Kayanna Lee B Mario Lopez Zackary Martin E Ezekiel Valenzuela G Fiorgen Xhafkollari

12 Diana Prince 1 1/31 Among the Hidden 16


14 Who is smarter about the way they handle being a third child
Who is smarter about the way they handle being a third child? Luke or Jen?

15 High Order Thinking Question, Chapter 17
In what ways is Jen reckless with the manner in which she behaves? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence.

16 High Order Thinking Question, Chapter 17
NON-EXAMPLE OF ELABORATION In what ways is Jen reckless with the manner in which she behaves? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence. Jen is reckless in the way she behaves. On page 78, Jen describes to Luke how she used Brawn’s detective kit to pull Luke’s fingerprints and then did a search with them on the internet to try to learn whether Luke has an identity with the government. By doing this, Jen is being reckless. Also on page…

17 High Order Thinking Question, Chapter 17
EXAMPLE OF BETTER ELABORATION In what ways is Jen reckless with the manner in which she behaves? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence. Jen is reckless in the way she behaves. On page 78, Jen describes to Luke how she used Brawn’s detective kit to pull Luke’s fingerprints and then did a search with them on the internet to try to learn whether Luke has an identity with the government. By doing this, Brawn could notice Jen used his kit and wonder why, putting Luke at risk. Also, the government might be able to track that she was searching for someone using their fingerprints. This also puts Luke and Jen at risk, making her behavior rather reckless. Also on page…

18 Socratic Seminar 2 Book-Mind-Heart Questions
1 Version of the High Order Thinking Question Are Luke and Jen considered “friends?” Or, are they just acquaintances? Are Luke and Jen “criminals?” In what ways does Luke keep “protecting” everyone? What type of things is Luke learning about being a third child?

19 Closing Define the following two words: Multitudes Incriminate

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