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Get Their Name Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships

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1 Get Their Name Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships
4/4/2019 Get Their Name Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019 Kay Kotan, Presenter

2 Kay L. Kotan Get Their Name 4/4/2019 Wife to Bob, 23 years
Mother to Cameron, 20 years old Credentialed ICF Coach, PCC Healthy Church Initiative (HCI) Consultant Author Faculty for Coaching4Clergy Path One Coach Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

3 How did the book come about?
Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

4 Book Basis: Four Observations
Inwardly focused churches practice evangelism as reconnecting the disconnected. Outwardly focused churches practice evangelism as connecting the unconnected to Jesus first and then the church. Pool of churched shrinking and pool of unconnected growing exponentially Membership versus discipleship Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

5 Evangelism vs Missional
Get Their Name 4/4/2019 Evangelism vs Missional Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019 Kay Kotan, Presenter

6 Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships

7 Building authentic relationships with people we don’t know.
Get Their Name 4/4/2019 Evangelism Building authentic relationships with people we don’t know. The harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Luke 10:2 Family tree explains the larger and larger generation gaps in returning to church We have not equipped churched people to practice relational evangelism with competence and confidence Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019 Kay Kotan, Presenter

8 How to Find & Share Your Faith Story
Gradual process over a period of time Four steps for equipping Faith sharing in service Faith sharing in groups Faith sharing in worship Faith sharing with the unconnected Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

9 Faith Sharing in Service
Get Their Name 4/4/2019 Faith Sharing in Service Good Deed + Good Word = Good News Relational Evangelism through service Clear invitation to connect with God and our church We must meet people where they are, not where we are. Water bottle : free gift from friends at X-UMC AND Just like we know that in order to live we need water, we also know that to live fully and deeply we need to be connected to God who loves us. So if you’d like to experience more of God’s love in your life, we would like to invite you to join us in a celebration of God’s love in worship this Sunday at X-UMC at 10 am. Project Serve Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019 Kay Kotan, Presenter

10 Faith Sharing in Groups
How have you experienced God recently in your life? We must find our own story. Practice your story in safe places. Just playing church is no longer acceptable. Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

11 Faith Sharing in Worship
Faith sharing starts with leaders. Offer consistent faith sharing stories during worship. Use digital recording to capture. Faith sharing in worship is rooted in our Wesleyan roots. Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

12 Faith Sharing with the Unconnected
Get Their Name 4/4/2019 Faith Sharing with the Unconnected Learn other faith-sharing through three earlier steps first to prepare for personal invitation to worship, ministries or “side-door events.” Relationship comes before invitation. Special Sundays give people a reason to invite. An invitation has three characteristics: Personal Specific Relational Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019 Kay Kotan, Presenter

13 Team Activity Have each team member share their take-away from Session One. Based on the collective take-aways, use your newsprint to represent what step(s) your church could take in encouraging and equipping your congregation to share their faith story? Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

14 Team Activity Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

15 Becoming a 21st Century Missionary
The church has become in alien in our own world. We are all missionaries. Engage the radar! Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

16 Beginning Outside Conversation
Have an intentional plan Set a Daily Goal Build trust Mutual Respect The Conversation Become a Model Engage the radar! Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

17 Creating Opportunities for New Relationships
How much time are you spending with the unconnected? Concentrate on the important rather than the urgent. Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

18 Eight Strategies to Build New Relationships
Routine Introductions Create Hang-out Places Offer Blessings Organization Connections Normal affinities Member-Guest events Outside Comfort Zone Create Margins Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

19 Six Steps to Move from Conversation to Relationship
Listen to Their Story Watch for Signals Bridge-Building Phrases Know Your Elevator Story Why God? Why Church? Why my Church? Know Your Faith Story Find Need & Connect Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

20 Team Activity Have each team member share their take-away from Session Two. Based on the collective take-aways, use your newsprint to describe how your church could encourage and equip your congregation in becoming a 21st Century Missionary? Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

21 Creating an Outwardly Focused Culture
Relationship Trinity = God + Others + Availability Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

22 Leadership Matters Strategic Ministry Planning Mission Vision
Goals, Objectives, Core Values Equipping “Your church is only going to grow as fast as you raise up good leaders.” Modeling Missional focus Preaching “Got to preach it ‘til you see it.” Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

23 Connection Strategies
Friendship Sundays F.R.A.N. Plan Major Sundays 5-10-Link Rule Church-Wide Hospitality Training Skits/Drama Move Fellowship to the Front Door Hospitality Desk or Kiosk Go Digital Three Touches Must have an intentional process Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

24 Your Building Matters Hospitality Checklist:
Exterior signage and accessibility First impression of human hospitality How to get their names Think guest, not visitor Connector Welcome center Lobby Nursery Pre-worship atmosphere Meet & greet Announcements Worship participation After worship experience Hire mystery worshipers Improve your social media presence Critical mass Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

25 Don’t leave the connection
Get Their Name 4/4/2019 Relationships Matter Don’t leave the connection process to chance!” From Outsider to Guest Prayer Personal connections Elbow activities Bridge Events Follow Up From Guest to Connected From Connected to Disciple From Disciple to Ambassador or Missionary Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019 Kay Kotan, Presenter

26 Nothing new . . . Reaching new people we don’t know for the sake of Jesus is inherently a biblical idea. God wants to reach people and do a new thing. Are you willing to be in the new movement, to be a new people, to do a new thing? If so . . . Get their name Start a conversation Build an authentic relationship that leads to the possibility for a faith conversation Bring them back to the gathered faith community Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

27 Team Activity Have each team member share their take-away from Session Three. Based on the collective take-aways, use your newsprint to represent how your church could create an outwardly focused culture? Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

28 Kay Kotan
READ STUDY IMPLEMENT Kay Kotan Get Their Name: Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships 4/4/2019

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