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Applying Common Ground

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Presentation on theme: "Applying Common Ground"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying Common Ground
Strategies to A Conflict Sanctuary Cities

2 Your Materials Sanctuary City Scenario Websites: Pros & Cons
Fish Bowl Directions & Norms Finding Common Ground Observation Guide Debriefing the Exercise: Prompts

3 Sanctuary City Scenario
You are on a mixed team that has been assigned a position. It may not be one you agree with. Your job is to present persuasive information to support the position assigned to your team and to find common ground for a policy recommendation to the City Council.

4 FishBowl Instructions
Each team of participants has selected an initial three people to represent the team in the fish bowl. There will be six participants and a facilitator in the fish bowl. All other participants will sit on the outside of the fish bowl - circle. The participants inside the fish bowl are the only ones allowed to speak in the room. There is to be no conversation outside of the circle. FishBowl Instructions

5 The facilitator’s job is to monitor the observance of norms and constructive process during the discussion. The facilitator does not participate in the discussion but may intervene to keep the conversation going, or if norms are not observed. He/she may call for a time out, if the process breaks down at any point. Participants inside the circle engage in discussion on the issue presented.

6 A member on the outside may tap the shoulder of someone in the fishbowl when they wish to make a contribution. When a new member enters, the current representative in the fish bowl must step out of the fish bowl and take a seat in the circle. The facilitator is responsible for ending the conversation by calling time. Observers use the “Finding Common Ground” observation guide to keep notes about the discussion. Debrief the process. Facilitators will manage the process of the team discussion and add their own observations and insights. Prompts have been provided to guide the instruction.

7 NORMS Listen with respect even when points contrary to your beliefs and values are presented. Emotions can be expressed, and controlled so as not to impede or shut down discourse. Violent, aggressive behavior will not be permitted. Conversations should be civil and courteous. Dialogue should focus on the topic. The group manages the substance; the facilitator manages the process. We all take responsibility for a productive meeting.

8 Questions???

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