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October Week of: 10/24-10/28 *Sign up for Khan Academy, Raz Kids, and Spelling City *Reading logs---due Mondays (back of newsletter) Multiplication *patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "October Week of: 10/24-10/28 *Sign up for Khan Academy, Raz Kids, and Spelling City *Reading logs---due Mondays (back of newsletter) Multiplication *patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 October Week of: 10/24-10/28 *Sign up for Khan Academy, Raz Kids, and Spelling City *Reading logs---due Mondays (back of newsletter) Multiplication *patterns *solve for unknown *fluently multiply *story problems *strategies *story elements *retell *point of view *spelling words *sight words S.S.---finish dream fictional town Science—solar system, earth-moon-sun review, test Math—multiplication games Art--drawing *peer editing *punctuation in dialogue *sequencing *nouns-regular/irregular *abstract nouns *verbs-regular/irregular *verb tense

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