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Presentation on theme: "PENGUINS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Description Penguins are flightless birds that spend most of their time in water. They camouflage in the water from their predators.

3 Habitat All 18 species of penguin live in the Southern Hemisphere .
Penguins can be found on every continent in the Southern hemisphere . Penguins live on the beaches and lay in the sun on the rocks.

4 Diet They usually eat fish if can’t catch anything else.
Penguins eat seafood, mostly shrimp and krill.

5 Predators Penguins main predator is seals such as a leopard seal.
Killer whales are also their predator. The chicks usually get eaten by big birds such as sea gulls.

6 Other facts Emperor penguins are the tallest penguins in the world. Standing up to 4 feet tall. The fastest swimming penguin is the Gentoo penguin which can swim 22 mph.

7 Interesting facts Penguins don’t have teeth. Penguins are carnivores.
Most endangered specie of penguin is the yellow eyed penguin in New Zealand.

8 Bibliography
An aquarium where the penguins are kept in Cape Town

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