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Should the use of biotechnology be banned?

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Presentation on theme: "Should the use of biotechnology be banned?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should the use of biotechnology be banned?

2 What is biotechnology? Biotechnology is the use of living systems to make a product. Artificial Selection or Selective Breeding Cloning Genetic Engineering

3 Artificial Selection Selectively breeding organisms based on desirable traits. Artificial selection has been used since agriculture began. Dog breeds, horses, flower types, most modern food crops and many more modern organisms are derived from artificial selection.

4 Artificial Selection: Corn
Image credit: John Doebley, (CC BY 2.5)

5 Artificial Selection: Dogs
Pug Image Credit: sannse, (CC BY-SA 3.0) Basset Hound Image Credit: Bonnie van den Born, Cwazi, (CC BY-SA 3.0) The gene pool of the 10,000 pugs in the UK is the equivalent of only 50 individuals. The Basset Hound was called a "deformed, congenital dwarf."

6 Benefits of Artificial Selection
It can enhance the quality of what is produced. It can be used in any industry. It can increase profitability. It will allow needed traits to be produced quickly and effectively.

7 Drawbacks of Artificial Selection
Selective breeding can decrease genetic variation in a gene pool. The “ideal” traits are subjective. Quality of life can be reduced as the gene pool shrinks. There can be unanticipated consequences.

8 Cloning Creating a genetically identical copy of an organism.
Cloning can be used to grow stem cells, and requires egg cells. Cloning is how some simple organisms reproduce. Many animals have been cloned in the laboratory, like mice, sheep, cows, even a Rhesus monkey.

9 Benefits of Cloning Organ replacement for humans, less chance of rejection Quick reproduction of animals and/or plants that usually take a long time to grow All offspring will have the desired characteristics of the original Can help increase numbers of endangered species

10 Drawbacks of Cloning Ethics: currently clones do not live as long as the original and if we clone humans rights questions can be raised New diseases from mutations Organs may be rejected due to mutations

11 Genetic Engineering Direct manipulation or altering of an organisms genes in a laboratory. Genetic engineering results in genetically modified organisms or GMO’s. Some examples are: glow in the dark mice, organisms that mature faster, plants that can decrease pollution, bananas with vaccines grown in them, plants that produce a poison to kill insects

12 Examples of Genetic Engineering
Mice Image Credit: Ingrid Moen, Charlotte Jevne, et al., (CC BY 2.0) Rice Image Credit: International Rice Research Institute, (CC BY 2.0) Golden rice grains have higher vitamin A concentrations Genetically modified mice that glow in the dark

13 Benefits of Genetic Engineering
Disease prevention by isolating the gene that causes them. Using desirable traits from one organism to enhance others. Increased food production with enhanced vitamins and minerals. Can increase genetic diversity.

14 Drawbacks of Genetic Engineering
Unknown consequences from altering genetic structure The process is tricky and risky. We don’t know enough about genes yet. Ethical issues of “playing God”

15 So what do you think now? Should the use of biotechnology be banned?

16 We have to change the question because all biotechnology is not equal.
We cannot put all forms of biotechnology under one umbrella due to the numerous differences in their processes and uses. Each type has to be studied and dealt with in an individual and appropriate manner. So how do you think the question of biotechnology be handled by society? Back it up with evidence.

17 Assignment: How should society deal with biotechnology?
You will research and argue your position on the use of biotechnology. Paper answering the 4 parts of the argument Your arguments should present your position then give the evidence that led you to this position. (cite any sources used for evidence) A Poster - abbreviated version of essay Neat , colorful , pictures List sources used in a numbered list and use to cite in paper. Website Title– Article Title Science Daily – Biotechnology and its effects on farmland

18 Assignment: How should society deal with biotechnology?
You will research and argue your position on the use of biotechnology. Your argument will be in 4 parts. 1: Biotechnology as a whole. 2: The uses and regulation of artificial selection. 3: The uses and regulation of cloning. 4: The uses and regulation of genetic engineering. Your arguments should present your position then give the evidence that led you to this position. (cite any sources used for evidence) The arguments do not have to be long, but they have to have sound reasoning.

19 Helpful websites: animals

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