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Notes: The first four slides are notes that I have students write in their notebooks – basically why effort is important to learning. Depending on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes: The first four slides are notes that I have students write in their notebooks – basically why effort is important to learning. Depending on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes: The first four slides are notes that I have students write in their notebooks – basically why effort is important to learning. Depending on the grade level you teach, time availability, etc., you may want to skip these slides or skip having students write them in their notebooks. Slide 6 shows the student portal. You may or may not want to start with this slide. I do it just to show the students where we are going. Also (and you may not be doing this) I tell them a little bit about how they earn Effort Shares and give them some examples of what they can buy with their Effort Shares (some buyback offerings that we have used are: pencils, notebooks, homework passes, sit-by-a-friend privilege, wear your hat on Fridays, and Teacher Assistant for a week). Silver and Gold subscribers: there is cover letter and homework assignment to give to students when giving them their access codes. You may want to use the Scoring App for a week or two before giving students their access codes so that they will have some scores to check out. See: Giving students their access codes. Here are links to the cover letter and assignment: Word Doc or PDF

2 Mind diagram taken from Why Don’t Student’s Like School. By Daniel T
Mind diagram taken from Why Don’t Student’s Like School? By Daniel T. Willingham

3 Unlimited storage capacity?
Working Memory Site of awareness and thinking Limited space Background knowledge on a topic allows “chunking” = more room in working memory and better comprehension Effort! The Environment Attention! Learning or Practice Remembering Long Term Memory Unlimited storage capacity? Storage site for: Essential facts Terminology / Details How to do something Mind diagram taken from Why Don’t Student’s Like School? By Daniel T. Willingham

4 Unlimited storage capacity?
Working Memory Site of awareness and thinking Limited space Background knowledge on a topic allows “chunking” = more room in working memory and better comprehension Effort! The Environment Attention! Learning or Practice Remembering Forgotten Long Term Memory Unlimited storage capacity? Storage site for: Essential fact Terminology / Details How to do something Mind diagram taken from Why Don’t Student’s Like School? By Daniel T. Willingham

5 Four important benefits of
“PRACTICE” You improve You reinforce skills needed for more advanced skills You protect against forgetting You improve transfer from Long Term Memory to Working Memory Mind diagram taken from Why Don’t Student’s Like School? By Daniel T. Willingham

6 E4Effort Students get their own Portal

7 E4Effort scores student effort in four areas:
READY Do you arrive on time to class? With your needed supplies? Are you quiet and in your assigned seat when the teacher begins class? READY Scoring Options: Ready (10/10) Mostly Ready (8/10) Not Ready (5/10) Tardy Excused (no score) Absent (no score) Tardy (0/10 pts)

8 E4Effort scores student effort in four areas:
PARTICIPATION – are you ready to participate when chosen to answer a question, give an opinion, or read aloud? PARTICIPATION Scoring Options: Attentive (10/10) Mostly Attentive (8/10) Inattentive or Distracting(5/10) More Scoring Options: 9.5, 9, 8.5, 7, 6, 4 Point value can be changed (from 5 to 50 in multiples of 5)

9 E4Effort scores student effort in four areas:
ON TASK – do you stay focused on individual or group learning tasks? ON TASK Scoring Options: On Task (10/10) Mostly On Task (8/10) Minimally On Task (5/10) More Scoring Options: 9.5, 9, 8.5, 7, 6, 4 Point value can be changed

10 E4Effort scores student effort in four areas:
BEHAVIOR – do you make the effort to follow classroom rules and expectations? BEHAVIOR Scoring Options: Excellent (10/10) Good (8/10) Needs Improvement (5/10) More Scoring Options: 9.5, 9, 8.5, 7, 6, 4 Point value can be changed May send a Comment to Student Portal

11 E4Effort also has a RECOGNITON category:
RECOGNITON / Effort Award “In recognition of recent strong effort in meeting or exceeding expectations in both behavior and learning”. RECOGNITION Scoring is based on recent Effort Scores and your behavior GOLD = 10 Effort Shares SILVER = 8 Effort Shares BRONZE = 6 Effort Shares No Medal 0, 2, or 4 Effort Shares At the end of each class I will announce the Effort Award Winners, (I will NOT say the type of Medal – you can check that on your Student Portal). *Optional: Effort Award winners may also receive an Effort Award certificate!

12 All scores are updated in real time on YOUR Student Portal (for you and your parents or guardians to review) We will go over how to view the information on your Student Portal in a week or two after you have been given some Effort Scores You can earn two Effort Shares (per category) every 5 class-days by meeting the challenges listed below. Will anyone make it to Platinum?

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