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Scientific Computing on Graphics Hardware GPGPU Applications Examples Showcase.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Computing on Graphics Hardware GPGPU Applications Examples Showcase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Computing on Graphics Hardware GPGPU Applications Examples Showcase

2 2Overview Interactive Demos, Videos –Computational Fluid Dynamics –Scientific Visualization –Protein Matching –Path Planning –FFT Applications –Adaptive Data Structures Feel free to ask questions! Note: This is a small selection to show some of the possibilities and arouse further curiosity, alternative implementations to the above and many more applications exist.

3 3 Computational Fluid Dynamics Real-time simulation of fluid flow governed by the Navier-Stokes equations Live Demo: NVIDIA GPGPU FLUID Youquan Liu et al., Pacific Graphics 2004 3D fluid with complex obstacles

4 4 Scientific Visualization Jens Krüger et al., TU München A Particle System for Interactive Visualization of 3D Flows Winner of the IEEE Visualization Contest 05 Live Demo...

5 5 Fuzzy Protein Matching with HMMer F R N T T P F G F R N T T P F G F F R N T T P F G R T T F P F G F R T T N P F G F N N N N P P R R F T T P F T N F N N N N P P P R T N T R F G Probabilistic model Database Query Junk Del StartEnd FRNTPT [Daniel Horn et al., Supercomputing 2005]

6 6 ClawHMMer Performance

7 7 FlexiPlan - Path Planning for Deformable Robots in Complex Environments [Russell Gayle et al., Systems and Science, 2005] Application: Liver Chemoembolization A long thin catheter is navigated from the femoral to the hepatic arteries near a tumor in the liver for direct drug injection. Movie...

8 8 FFT Applications Fourier Volume Rendering Inverse Filtered Back-Projection –Slice in frequency = Projection –Needs high-quality interpolation 512³ rendered in >25 frames/sec –But needs slightly more space! Filtered Back-Projection Create volume from projections –Blending of FFT-filtered projections –Visualization of intermediate results! Faster by an order of magnitude! –4.5 min (CPU) vs. 24 sec (GPU) [Thomas Jansen et al., VMV 2004] Movie...

9 9 Glift : Generic, Efficient, Random-Access GPU Data Structures [Aaron Lefohn et al., ACM TOG, 2006] Movie... STL-like abstraction of data containers from algorithms for GPUs

10 10 More Demos See GPGPU case studies in … Siggraph 2005 course notes Visualization 2005 course notes

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