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Compass Learning Odyssey

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1 Compass Learning Odyssey
Odyssey Basics for Teachers & How to Build Assignments Mr. Rollison

2 Dashboard 1. Click on All activities assigned by me and window of needed data: yesterday, last, 7 days, 30 days, year to date. 2. The icons on the top left represent 3 status levels: 0-59, 60-69, 3. Locate the student on the list, lcick on the student name. 4. The pop up window will display the student’s last 10 activities the lowest score grouped by assignment.

3 Dashboard 5. Scroll down on the pop up window and select more details if you would like to further report on this students progress. This takes you to My Students, Students & Classes where you can use the Run Report shortcut.

4 Center panel 1. Select Assignments tab and see the pie chart results.
A. Use the left and right arrows or the down selection arrow for assignments. 2. Select Assessments tab a. Select the Standard set, state, and assessment assignment. 3. Click on a section of the pie chart to drill down further to a student list and results.

5 Right Panel: Notification
Quick reports links are available on this panel for all Odyssey Reports. Scroll down to access other report types. All reports have default settings which can be edited by user.

6 Building Assignments 1. Select Assignments on the Navigation Bar
2. Click Assignment Builder on the sub-Navigation Bar or on left 3. Select the desired subject and level Select to search by sequences, skills, standards 5. Enter a key word in the search box or 6. Click topic titles to reveal activities 7. Click lesson titles to reveal the activities 8. Click individual activity titles top review the online activity

7 Building Assignments 9. To assign activities, click in the box to the left of the title 10. Click on the Add Selected Tasks button 11. Enter a unique assignment name for easy reference 12. Chosose assignment order Sequential, Self Select or Auto Launch 13. Click Complete Assignment 14. Include a description of this assignment options if necessary

8 Building Assignments 15. Elect Availablity, Subject, Level 16. Change additional assignment options if necessary 17. Choose to asssign now or later- Next 18 Confirm assignment-Close

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