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Chapter 17 : Lesson 1 Development of Political Parties

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1 Chapter 17 : Lesson 1 Development of Political Parties

2 Essential Question What functions do political parties serve in government?


4 Am I a Republican or Democrat Quiz
Step 1: Type the URL below Step 2: Take the Quiz Step 3: Copy and Paste your results in Google Classroom

5 What is a Political Party?
An organization of people Share the same ideas of government Members committed to party goals Get candidates elected to office Get laws passed to aid party goals

6 Functions of Political Parties
Party Functions: Electing Candidates Educating the Public Involving People in the Political Process Operating Government Dispensing Patronage Developing and Implementing Policy Government Watchdog Providing Stability

7 Party Systems Most countries have political parties Party systems:
One party Two party Multi-party

8 One Party System a system in which only one political party exists, often because the government doesn’t tolerate opposition.

9 One Party System Party and government are almost the same- China
One party’s members run for office Head of government usually head of party Party members recruit new party members Party members given top government jobs

10 Major Parties Two party system Other minor parties exist Major parties
Democratic party Republican Party

11 Similarities of Major Parties in U.S.
All value personal rights, freedoms Educational opportunities for all Economic opportunities for all Government duty- to protect nation Preserve environment Help citizens

12 The Two-Party System A. Republicans
1. tend to favor lower taxes, a strong military, and big businesses 2. believe State and local governments should take a primary role in administering social programs B. Democrats 1. tend to favor higher taxes, especially for the wealthy, and a smaller military 2. believe the Federal Govt. should take a primary role in administering social programs

13 U.S. Political Parties: Characteristics
Democratic Party Tends to Attract Working people (blue collar) Liberals Catholics Minorities Union Members People in favor of govt. involvement in social policies

14 U.S. Political Parties: Characteristics
Republican Party Tends to attract Businesspeople (white collar) Protestants Conservatives Non-minorities Non-union supporters People against govt.involvement in social policies

15 American Politics Today
Democrats usually feel that the federal government has a responsibility to help the poor through government intervention. Democrats are generally seen as liberal. Republicans hold the view that leaving the economy alone will allow for growth, giving people greater ability to help themselves. They believe in less regulation. Republicans are viewed as being conservative.

16 Benefits of Two Party System
Stabilizing Keeps people near the center Extreme ideas not supported by populace Continuity Government changes parties often Transition is usually smooth

17 Criticisms of the Two-Party System
A. Undemocratic: The American voters only have two choices, year after year B. Power switches back and forth with few major changes in the social system

18 Disadvantages Minority groups left out Ex. Civil rights
Women's movement Needed major party support

19 Multi-Party System Three or more parties- Japan, Israel
Advantage- More voter choice Disadvantage- Voters divided No party gets majority votes Must form coalition government Coalition may not work- 50 governments in Italy since W.W.II

20 Third Parties What are Third Parties?
Parties representing minority opinions that challenge the Democrats and Republicans Some successful Third Parties: Populist Party – 1890’s Progressive Party – split off from Rep. Part in 1912 Libertarian Party – third most popular party in U.S. today

21 Splinter Party: a political party that splits away from a major party because of some disagreement

22 Review Question: Chapter 17 : Lesson 1 Read pages and answer Review Questions on page 518. Hand in Google Class Room.

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