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Riverwood Middle School Announcements Thursday, February 17, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Riverwood Middle School Announcements Thursday, February 17, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riverwood Middle School Announcements Thursday, February 17, 2011

2 The Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America And to the republic, for which it stands One nation, under God Indivisible, with liberty and justice for All.

3 Pledge to the Texas Flag Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, One state under God, one and indivisible.

4 Moment of Silence

5 Attention 6 th & 7 th Graders!!! The Course Selection Cards that you received last Friday are due back to your 4 th period teacher or your counselor TOMORROW.

6 HOOPS 4 HEART!! Hoops for Heart benefits the American Heart Association. TODAY is the last day to sign up at lunch. Games are played during PE classes. See a PE teacher for more details!

7 The PENNY WARS Are Almost Over!! Tomorrow is the last day for each 4 th period class to battle to see which one can bring in the most pennies. Dont forget to bring in your loose change, Longhorns!! The winning class will win a Pizza Party!!

8 Orange Bracelet Opportunity! Orange bracelets will distributed through 8 th Grade Social Studies Classes next Monday, Feb. 21 st. Students will need 20 Gold Longhorn Pride Tickets to get an orange bracelet. Schedule: Tuesday: Listen to iPod all during lunch. Wednesday: Listen to iPods during lunch and wear a hat. Thursday: Listen to iPod and wear pajama bottoms. Friday: Listen to iPods during lunch and dance in the gym for 15 minutes after dismissal from cafeteria.

9 Awesome Job! Winners of the East End Park Student Photo Contest of 2011 were 2 of our own 6 th Grade Students! Congratulations to: Ross Hornback- Bronze Award Taylor Welch- Artistic Merit Award

10 Congrats! 8 th Grade Girls Basketball A and B teams are the Undefeated District Champions -- 8-0

11 Tonight is The Night!! If you are an 8 th grader and are interested in being a Mustang Cheerleader next year, you need to attend the Parent Tryout Meeting THIS EVENING at 7 p.m. in the KHS Commons. All paperwork will be handed out at the meeting. See Mrs. Anderson in Room 602 if you have questions.

12 Its a GREAT Day To Be a Longhorn!!!

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