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British Policies to Control the Colonies

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1 British Policies to Control the Colonies

2 Sugar Act Who: King George III, Parliament, Colonists What: A tax on items such as molasses, sugar, wine, coffee, pimiento, and linen fabric Where: 13 Colonies When: 1764 Why: Great Britain hoped to raise enough revenue to pay for the costs of soldiers living in the colonies.

3 Currency Act Who: King George III, Parliament, Colonists What: This prohibited the colonies from issuing paper money. It also created a naval court to prosecute smugglers Where: 13 Colonies When: 1764 Why: British currency was in short supply in the colonies and made trade difficult – no standard value of colonial currency. To protect British trade interests.

4 Stamp Act Who: King George III, Parliament, Colonists What: Required special stamps be placed on various materials and documents such as wills, contracts, newspaper, calendar, dice, cards Where: 13 Colonies When: 1764 Why: This tax was intended to pay off the war debt. **This Act led to the slogan “Taxation without Representation”

5 Quartering Act Who: King George III, Parliament, Colonists What: Required colonists to house British soldiers and provide them with food, beds, vinegar, salt, and beer or cider Where: 13 Colonies When : 1765 Why: King George III wanted the colonists to pay the cost for soldiers having to enforce his laws and taxes.

6 Tea Act Who: King George III, Parliament, Colonists What: A tax on tea in the colonies to support the East India Company. This tax actually lowered the price of tea. Where: 13 Colonies When: 1773 Why: Lowered price of tea so smugglers could not match the EIC prices. Parliament thought the colonists would appreciate this new tax because of lower tea costs.

7 Intolerable / Coercive Acts
Who: King George III, Parliament, Colonists What: 5 Acts in total – new Quartering Act, Quebec Act, Massachusetts Govt. Act, Administration of Justice Act, Boston Port Act Where: Boston, Mass. and other colonies When: 1774 (as a result of Boston Tea Party) Why: King George wanted to punish the colonies for their rebellions against him and the laws. Closed Port of Boston until tea and taxes were paid, removed govts. and replaced with his men.

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