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Using Then or As After Pronouns

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1 Using Then or As After Pronouns
By Isabel Vera

2 Then and as When using pronouns in comparison, you will compare either subjects or objects COMPARING OBJECTS: Ex: The dog bugged Taylor more than Ryan. COMPARING SUBJECTS: Ex: Jessica is taller than John.

3 Subject pronoun of object pronoun
By adding missing parts, mentally, to your sentence it can help for correct pronoun usage. Incorrect: We went to the dog park before her. Correct: We went to the dog park before she [went to the dog park] .

4 Singular plural Subjective Case: I You She/he/It Objective Case: Me
Him/her/it Subjective Case: We You They Objective Case: Us Them

5 Tips When there are multiple subjects or objects, reduce the sentence to only the pronoun. EX: John, Rick, and (I, me) went to the store. A) I went to the park B) Me went to the park Answer: John, Rick, and I went to the store.

6 Tips If your not sure, turn the sentence around.
EX: The best player on the team is (he, him) A)He is the best player on the team. B) Him is the best player on the team. Answer: The best player on the team is he.

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