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Bellwork: August 22, 2016 Take an article from the back counter.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: August 22, 2016 Take an article from the back counter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: August 22, 2016 Take an article from the back counter.
Put your 1st and last name on the top. Cool Read the article: “Teenage Bullying”

2 Genre and Sub-Genre Review:

3 Vocabulary- Word #1 Word: plot: Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the series of events in a story What It Is: Explain in your own words what plot is to you. What It Is Not: Explain in your own words what plot is not. Picture Representation: Draw a picture that represents plot.

4 Prezi about plot:

5 Complete the Goldilocks plot sort

6 Exit Ticket: Pick a fairy tale and rewrite the falling action.

7 Bellwork: August 23, 2016 Have out your article and your ELA composition book. Annotate the AOW (article of the week) using the Annotation handout in your ELA comp book. If you do not finish for bellwork, finish for homework!

8 Need To Know!!! Week 2 A quick review of theme:
Now we will complete our N2K. You have 5-10 minutes.

9 Vocabulary- Word #2 Word: inference: Part of Speech: noun
Definition: what is created by using clues from the text and your own background to come to a conclusion What It Is: Explain in your own words what an inference is to you. What It Is Not: Explain in your own words what an inference is not. Picture Representation: Draw a picture that represents inference.

10 Complete the inference sheet while you read All Summer in a Day.
You will read All Summer in a Day with a partner.

11 Exit Ticket: Make a connection between you and one of the characters in the story. This should be written on an index card with your 1st and last name and turned in to your class period drawer on your way out.

12 Bellwork: August 24, 2016 Have out the annotated article and your composition book opened to the Question Stems for Socratic Seminar page. Create at 5-7 questions for the article using the stems.

13 All Summer in a Day We are going to read and discuss the story together. Book Trailer javascript:openPopup('/la_2010/na_lit/ns media/powernotes_portal/Grade_6/vide o/');

14 Analyzing a Short Story
Glue the handout into your comp book and label it Activity 5.

15 Vocabulary Review Sheet
Complete the Vocabulary Practice sheet on your own, using the text if needed.

16 Exit Ticket: Create a theme for the story: All Summer in a Day

17 Bellwork: August 25, 2016 Take plot diagram worksheet from the back counter. Create a plot diagram for the story All Summer in a Day.

18 Socratic Seminar We are going to create our class norms together.
Please add this to your composition book. This will be Activity 6. Mrs. Baber’s ELA _____ period’s Socratic Seminar Norms We will ________________________________

19 Now: Time for our socratic seminar!
Partner up with your assigned partners. Discuss your questions you completed yesterday. (You will have about 3 minutes) Arrange your desks into two circles. Look at the diagram drawn on the board. Inside circle (A Partners) have about 7 minutes of discussion time. Outside circle (B Partners) will be evaluating their partners. We will swap and repeat!

20 Vocabulary Lesson Have out a sheet of paper. We will be making word maps for the vocabulary words. We are going to work on this lesson together. Please follow along!

21 Exit Ticket: Choose 1 of the vocabulary words and use it in a new sentence.

22 Bellwork: August 25, 2016 Create a Z Chart for the AOW on the back of your annotated AOW. You may turn it in today if you finish. This is due tomorrow.

23 Genre and Subgenre Scavenger Hunt
With the selection of children’s books, you are going to choose one with your group. You will create a group plot diagram for the book and identify the genre and subgenre. Put your best effort into this! Show me how well you can work in a group!

24 Exit Ticket: You will now complete the quiz on the story: All Summer in a Day.

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