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Key Stage 1 Nurture Group

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1 Key Stage 1 Nurture Group
Parents & Carers Guide to Waltham Forest’s Key Stage 1 Nurture Group The Nurture Group at Hawkswood PRU This booklet has been designed to help you understand the Waltham Forest’s Nurture Group and hopefully answer some of your questions. In Waltham Forest’s Nurture Groups pupils will be admitted from across the borough, from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The group has a maximum of 8 children at any one time. The group is called ‘Nurture Group’ because we work in a way that is very similar to a home environment. The Nurture Group room is a classroom within the school with a home play area, comfortable seating, kitchen/dining area and suitable tables and chairs for individual or group work. The work and play space has a range of equipment and toys for children from Nursery age up to 7/8 years of age. The group is staffed by a full-time teacher and a learning support assistant. With two consistent and constant adults the children can experience a stable environment where adults and children work together, which firm boundaries. The children gain confidence and learn about themselves and their world at a pace and in a manner which suits them.    Why should my child attend the Nurture Group?  A child may be referred to the Nurture Group when they are experiencing difficulties in coping in a busy classroom of 30 children. Some children display these difficulties by becoming, disruptive, argumentative or aggressive, whilst others may be quiet and withdrawn. The child’s difficulties may prevent him/her from learning and gaining access to the school’s curriculum. These children have considerable difficulties making and sustaining relationships with both adults and other children. The reasons for these difficulties are many and varied. A few examples are separation from a loved one, birth of a sibling, trauma that a child has gone through or witnessed effects of an accident. These are just a few examples, there are many more. In some cases it is simply that a child finds the large group in the class too overwhelming, which makes it difficult for them to learn, whatever the reason some time spent in a Nurture Group will be of tremendous benefit to the child and his/her family. What is the daily routine in the Nurture Group? The children are dual registered with the Nurture and their mainstream school. They retain their peg, drawer and place in class. The children will do literacy and numeracy and PSHCE/play skills in the Nurture Group. This includes developing their knowledge and understanding of the world, creativity, sand and water play, role play, games, construction, all of which involve sharing, collaborating and turn taking. This develops the child’s communication and social skills and builds self-confidence and self-esteem. Children will complete work appropriate to their level and relevant to the work that is continuing in their mainstream class. We will be aware of each child’s individual needs and incorporate it into planning, delivering and assessing their progress. The group have breakfast in the Nurture Group at and this is a social time around a dining table sharing a meal. It involves socialising, co-operating, taking turns, waiting, being last, speaking and listening and also having breakfast. The children will spend playtime with their peers. Nurture Group staff will go out into the playground with the children. Children will also eat lunch with their peers.         

2 Key Stage 1 Nurture Group
Parents & Carers Guide to Waltham Forest’s Key Stage 1 Nurture Group How can I help my child if they are going into the Nurture Group?   Please explain to your child that they will be coming to the Nurture Group and that you are pleased that they are going to attend. The Nurture Group staff like to meet with all parents/carer’s before and after their child’s first week in the group as you are the expert and know your child best. It helps us to understand and help your child if we know what they are like at home, what they enjoy and to discuss any concerns you may have. We will also meet with the staff in your child’s school. We like to meet with parents regularly to discuss your child’s progress; it is also an opportunity for you to talk with us if you have any worries or concerns for your child. We will always try to arrange a time that is convenient for you. We will be sending a home-school communication book home every day. Each day the Nurture Group staff write a comment in the communication book on your child’s daily progress. Please try and sign the book each day and feel free to write a comment back to the Nurture Group staff, who will always read it. All children will make better progress if we are working together. What will the Nurture staff do? We aim to make the Nurture Group accessible and familiar to children and create a warm relaxed atmosphere, where children can feel safe to enjoy and achieve. It is our practice to be non-judgmental. We are always available for advice and support and have the individual needs of your child at the centre of our work and planning. The Nurture Group staff will always make time to speak to you. All you need to do is call us first. If there is a reason that we cannot see the same day, we will make an appointment as soon as we can. The staff are given advice, guidance and support by an Educational Psychologist. .    When will my child return to Mainstream? The return is carefully planned with the class teacher. Your child will increase the time he/she spends in the class as the date of leaving the Nurture Group becomes closer. The length of the reintegration time will vary, depending on each child, their individual needs and relevant circumstances. On their last day in the Nurture Group a party is held to say goodbye and although your child will no longer attend the Nurture Group they may visit at any time with you. .    How long will my child be in the Nurture Group? Nurture Group intervention is most effective for a period of 2-4 terms, determined by individual progress. Your child will know when they join us that they will eventually return to their mainstream class full time. When it has been agreed that your child is ready to re-join their mainstream full time, a re-settlement programme is started. The programme is discussed fully with the class teacher and you. .    .    If it is decided that your child will attend the Nurture group, we look forward to welcoming them into our school. For further information please contact us on; Telephone number:      

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