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ASC U13/U14G Team Meeting Fall 2018

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1 ASC U13/U14G Team Meeting Fall 2018

“We’re going to be spending a lot of time together so let’s get to know each other” Husband to Jinx Father of Xoe, Sage and K-le Business Analyst Consultant Southeast Polk High School Freshman Coach (2018 and ) AYSA ASC Select Coach for 8 Years National Coaching Diploma from NSCAA (2012) National D License from US Soccer (2009) 4 Year Letterman at Stow High School in Ohio (81-85) 2 Year Letterman at Hiram College in Ohio (Division 3) (85- 87) I have lamas and goats and a cat who was on TV


4 COACHING PHILOSOPHY My coaching philosophy is that every player is a unique individual who has the potential to be a great soccer player. It is my job as their coach to try and help them reach their potential. That potential may be playing for the US National team or it could mean being able to juggle the ball 5 times in a row. Each player is different and based on their abilities and desires may have different goals. I will push them into reaching their goals and perhaps beyond them, but as a coach, I recognize much of a player's development is up to the player. What they put in is what they will get out. I am a mere facilitator in their growth. With that said, I promise to put the safety my players first and will place the emotional and physical well being of the players ahead of any personal desire to win. This will include, to the best of my ability, protecting the player from themselves. I also promise to treat each player as an individual and provide each player with the best possible instruction. As I have said, goals differ per player, thus instruction needs to be catered to the players ability when possible. I promise to try and balance criticism with praise. Although coaching often times is pointing out what a player does wrong, I promise to try to explicitly point out what a player does right and praise them when they correct a previous mistake. I do promise to treat each practice as a unique opportunity to improve an aspect of each individual's skill set, including the most important skill, their cognitive abilities. To that end, I promise to organize practices so that there is very little wasted time. Drills should build upon each other with a central theme and each practice should build upon the other so that the game reflects a manifestation of what was learned in practice. Success for myself will be seeing each player improving their abilities over the course of the season. With that said, I expect players to treat practice as an opportunity to get better. I will always start a practice with a handshake to symbolize it is time to practice, it is time to learn, it is time to have fun. Soccer is a game after all. If the players I am coaching forget they are doing a drill, forget that they are learning, but instead just play; then I have succeeded. If they get frustrated and distracted by the drills I have them do, then I have failed that practice. I promise, as I hope my players do, to learn from my mistakes and make sure I improve each practice, so in the game, I can stand proudly next to my players, quietly drinking a Diet Pepsi as they perform what we both have learned.


6 TEAM VALUES-PLAYERS “Honoring the Game” is a Positive Coaching Alliance principle about sportsmanship encouraging leaders, coaches, parents and athletes to respect all aspects of their sport. The ROOTS of Honoring the Game is an acronym which stands for better respecting: Rules, Opponents, Officials, Teammates and Self. Rules: The rules of a sport have been developed and modified for a reason. Rules keep the game fair, and they also keep athletes safe. Don’t try to work against the rules or bend them; respect the role they play in your sport. Opponents: As you want respect, give respect to your opponents. We should strive to be “fierce and friendly” in competition. Officials: Officials are doing the best they can to enforce the rules and maintain a safe environment for play. They are people too, doing the best they can, and there is NEVER an excuse for disrespecting officials. Teammates: Make your teammates proud by doing the best you can (on and off the field) and by supporting them in all their efforts. Self: Finally, and most importantly, you have to respect yourself in order to uphold an honorable approach to sports. Set high standards and live up to them.


8 TEAM VALUES: PARENTS Cheer for your kid Don’t Coach your kid
Ask me questions Don’t be surprised if we lose Don’t be surprised if your kid plays a different position Watch soccer with your kid!

Coaches Goals & Hopes Love the sport at least as much at the end of the season as at the beginning Improve skills and tactical knowledge (Different Positions/ Different Formations) Get chances to compete in meaningful situations Want to return next season Develop as player, teammate and person Players and Parent Goals & Hopes (Discussion)

Fitness Commitment to Practice Attendance! Expectations regarding practice If a player is unable to attend a practice or game, she (THE PLAYER) must notify the coach BEFOREHAND. Missed practices can be made up with another team. Sportsmanship Team before self Make mistakes and learn from them

Commitment to their own growth Videos relevant to practices Watching Soccer English Premier League NWSL USWNT UWGB on ESPN Plus

12 LOGISTICS Game schedules are not published yet
15 u13 players and 12 u14 players Playing Time (ISL vs Tourneys) Practice Schedule Field 35: U13 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays 5:15-7PM U14 Monday, Tuesday 6:45-8:15 until it gets too dark Thursday 5:15-7PM Players should be at games at least 45 minutes early. Tournaments (Mark availability) Rush Fall Cup Sept 15-16 HIT (Nov 2-5), Overland Park, KS

13 Questions ??? 707-1377 @matt_etling

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