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FOREIGNISMS & BARBARISMS Made by: Tatyana Uarova.

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Presentation on theme: "FOREIGNISMS & BARBARISMS Made by: Tatyana Uarova."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOREIGNISMS & BARBARISMS Made by: Tatyana Uarova

2 ◦Barbarisms are words of foreign origin which have NOT entirely become assimilated into the English language ◦(More specifically, a word considered "improper" because it combines elements from different languages.) ◦Most of barbarisms have corresponding English synonyms: chic – stylish, bon mot – clever witty saying, an infinitum – to infinity; beau monde – high society. bon mot

3 ◦Some foreign words fulfill terminological function: ukase, udarnik, kolkhoz, solo, tenor ◦Foreignism - a word or expression that has been imported from another language to serve a special semantic function

4 “She had sais “Au revoir!” Not good-bye!” (Galsworthy)

5 F terminological function Both belles-lettres and the publicistic style B not develop new meanings F not belong to the English vocabulary

6 Thank you for your attention!

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