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DNA Replication Notes.

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1 DNA Replication Notes

2 When new cells are made, _______________________
When new cells are made, _______________________. This is called _______________________.

3 When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied
When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied. This is called _______________________.

4 When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied
When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied. This is called replication.

5 When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied
When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied. This is called replication.

6 When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied
When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied. This is called replication.

7 When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied
When new cells are made, the DNA must be copied. This is called replication.

8 During replication, DNA ______________________________ (sides)
During replication, DNA ______________________________ (sides). Each strand serves as a _____________________(model) for a new strand. ___________________________ – enzyme that is involved in DNA replication it “_________________________” the template strand so that the correct new strand is created.

9 During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides)
During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides). Each strand serves as a _____________________(model) for a new strand. ___________________________ – enzyme that is involved in DNA replication it “_________________________” the template strand so that the correct new strand is created.

10 During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides)
During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides). Each strand serves as a template (model) for a new strand. ___________________________ – enzyme that is involved in DNA replication it “_________________________” the template strand so that the correct new strand is created.

11 During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides)
During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides). Each strand serves as a template (model) for a new strand. DNA polymerase – enzyme that is involved in DNA replication it “_________________________” the template strand so that the correct new strand is created.

12 During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides)
During replication, DNA separates into 2 strands (sides). Each strand serves as a template (model) for a new strand. DNA polymerase – enzyme that is involved in DNA replication it “proof reads” the template strand so that the correct new strand is created.


14 Why must DNA replicate? 46 46

15 Definition of Replication
Replication is the copying of DNA

16 Steps of Replication Step 1: DNA must unwind and unzip.
The weak Hydrogen bonds that hold the DNA strand together in the middle are broken by an enzyme.

17 Steps of Replication Step 1 (Picture): A - T T - A C - G G C A T
G C Enzyme unzips G C DNA

18 Steps of Replication Step #2:
The DNA strand pulls apart and free DNA nucleotides (that are floating around in the nucleus) begin to pair up with their complementary nucleotide on the parent strand with the help of an enzyme.

19 Steps of Replication G A C T G G A Step #2 (Picture): A - T T Free DNA
T – A A nucleotides C – G G floating in G – C C the nucleus A A - T G G – C G G - C G A C T G G A

20 Steps of Replication Step #3:
The free nucleotides continue to pair up until the entire double strand of DNA has been copied. End result: 2 complete sets of DNA are made; one for each of the 2 new cells being made.

21 Steps of Replication Step #3: (Picture) A - T A – T
T – A T - A identical C – G C - G strands of G – C G – C DNA A - T A - T G - C G – C parent new new parent

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