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Presentation on theme: "LELI. Karim Juárez Cortés ELABORACIÓN E INSTRUCTORA"— Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 “ Heroes “ UNIT 1 EVENTS IN THE PAST “Improving Patient Care” E.T.E. Karim Juárez Cortés Lengua Extranjera II LELI. Karim Juárez Cortés ELABORACIÓN E INSTRUCTORA

2 “ Improving Patient Care “ (Mejorando el cuidado del paciente)

3 “ Improving Patient Care “
INSTRUCTIONS: Before you read the text, look at these words and phrases from the text and use them to predict what you think it is about. Use your dictionary to help you, if it is necessary. Misdiagnosis / Diagnostictool / Information Database / Quality of care. INSTRUCCIONES: Antes de leer el texto, busca estas palabras y frases del texto y utilízalas para predecir de que piensas que trate la lectura. Utiliza tu diccionario si es necesario.

4 “ Improving Patient Care”
A.- In July 1999, Jason and Charlotte Maude's three-year-old daughter, Isabel, developed chickenpox. The illness followed the normal patterns at first, but then her symptoms got worse. Doctors told her parents it was all normal, but Isabel had to be rushed to the Accident & Emergency department of their local hospital. Here her condition continued to deteriorate. She went into multiple organ failure as a result of a secondary infection. B.- Isabel was taken to another hospital, where she spent two months suffering from toxic shock syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis (also known as 'the flesh-eating bug'). Fortunately, Isabel eventually made a full recovery. But her parents were devastated by the experience - their family doctor and her local A & E department had not diagnosed her symptoms correctly, and their daughter had almost died.

5 C.- During the time that their daughter was in hospital, the Maudes and pediatrician Dr Joseph Britto, who helped to treat Isabel, carne up with the idea of a diagnostic tool to try to stop the kind of misdiagnosis that had caused them and their daughter so much suffering. The Maudes left their Jobs to set up a medical charity to pursue their idea. D.- The company's mission statement is 'Our mission is to help reduce diagnosis and decision error, and provide clinicians with relevant knowledge in their workflow to help them improve the quality of care. E.- The product the Maudes developed, called Isabel, uses software to search medical texts. It allows medical staff to key in symptoms, signs, results of tests and investigations, etc. The database then delivers a list of possible diagnoses. The user can click on each diagnosis to access information and images. The software is accessible via the Web, or integrated into an electronic medical records system.

6 F.- Initially, the system was designed for pediatric patients, but it now includes adults as well. It covers all the major specialties, including internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, geriatrics, and oncology. G.- Isabel is being used in the UK, USA, Ireland, and India. At one hospital in the USA, a pediatrician listed the main clinical characteristics of every medical admission to the pediatric intensive care unit for one month, and Isabel included the correct diagnosis in every case. Other hospitals who have used it say it is especially useful for cases which are difficult to diagnose. For experienced physicians, it can serve as a reminder. For less experienced physicians, it can help to build their diagnostic skills.

7 “ Improving Patient Care “
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text. In which paragraph will you find information about the following. How the diagnostic tool works _____. What happened to Isabel Maude at the local hospital ________. How the diagnostic tool can be used _____. Who developed the idea for the diagnostic tool ______. Who the system is for ______. INSTRUCCIONES: Lee el texto. En cada párrafo encontraras información acerca de lo siguiente.

8 INSTRUCTIONS: Join these word combinations used in the text.
Clinical Diagnostic Secondary Full Decision Organ Skills Recovery Failure Error Characteristics Infection INSTRUCCIONES: Une la combinación de palabras utilizadas en el texto.

9 REFERENCES: (Referencias)
Material taken from: ( Material tomado de:) GRICE Tony, “Nursing 1”, Spain: Oxford University Press. ( 2007)

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