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Keep Lab Safety Keep You Healthy TR01-KA

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1 Keep Lab Safety Keep You Healthy 2017-1-TR01-KA202-046148
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training “Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

2 Keep Lab Safety Keep You Healthy
Second Transnational Project Meeting (International Field Trip) in Spain (Granada) GRANADA UNIVERSITY SPAIN


4 Priorities The project is to raise awareness in the matter of biosafety in healthcare officials other than physicians biologists, laboratory assistant, technician, graduates of vocational school of health in laboratory condition.

5 -Project Period-  24 months

6 Participating organisation(s)
Ankara University Hitit University Gazi University Akdeniz University UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA (SPAIN) Instituto Biotcnologia Prof. Dr. Antonio Osuno UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO (PORTUGAL) Prof. Nuno Osório NATİONAL INTERNATİONAL

7 The general coordination of the project shall be followed through by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Demet CANSARAN DUMAN, one of the members of the Core Team of the Project, and Prof. Dr. Aysegul TAYLAN OZKAN shall be of assistance. The coordination of the activities in Çorum shall be carried out by Assist. Prof. Dr. Kursat DERICI and the ones in Antalya shall be carried out by Assist.Prof. Dr. Devrim DEMIR DORA. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emine ONER KAYA and Dr. Bekir KAYA from Gazi University School of Banking and Insurance shall follow the financial affairs of the project.

8 Prof. Dr. Antonio Osuno UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA (SPAIN) Instituto Biotcnologia

9 A Project Monitoring and Evaluation Team has been founded so that the project can proceed as regards its objective. The team includes Prof. Dr. Hakan YARDIMCI (President of Biosaferty Council), Prof. Dr. Sumer ARAS (Member of Biosafety Council), and Prof. Dr. Aykut OZKUL (Director of the Institute of Biotechnology).

10 Description of Project
The main objective of this project is to raise awareness in the matter of biosafety in healthcare officials other than physicians (i.e. biologists, laboratory assistant, technician, graduates of vocational school of health, etc.) working with clinical samples; spread exact and current information regarding biosafety with vocational training and via internet by developing a face-to-face, interactive, and standardized training programme. In laboratories work is to prevent the high number of occupational accidents in our country with trainings that we shall organize.

11 There are three main goals of the project for the intended population:
1. Forming a reference book, documents, and educational tools in the mother tongue, which are accessible and suitable for the level of the intended population, 2. Developing a standardized, understandable and practical educational programme, 3. Providing access to all sources on digital platform

12 How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners
It is planned that project meetings are held almost every 4 months. Accordingly, 6 project meetings will be held during a 24 months period. M1. First Transnational Project Meeting (Kick-off Meeting) in Turkey (Ankara) Participants: Ankara University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Universidad de Granada (Spain), Universidade do Minho (Portugal).

13 M2. Second Transnational Project Meeting
(International Field Trip) in Spain (Granada) Date: Participants: Ankara University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Universidad de Granada (Spain).

14 M3. Third Transnational Project Meeting
(International Field Trip) in Portugal (Braga) Estimated Date: Within the seventh month of the start of the project. Participants: Ankara University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Universidade do Minho (Portugal).

15 M4. Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Spain (Granada)
Estimated Date: Within the 19th month of the start of the project. Participants: Ankara University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Universidad de Granada (Spain).

16 M5. Fifth Transnational Project Meeting in Portugal (Braga)
Estimated Date: Within the 21st month of the start of the project. Participants: Ankara University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Universidade do Minho (Portugal).

17 M6. Final Project Meeting in Turkey (Antalya)
Estimated Date: Within the last month of the project. Participants: Ankara University (Turkey), Akdeniz University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Universidad de Granada (Spain), Universidade do Minho (Portugal).

18 The output of the project is listed below: Initial Report
Needs Assessment Report Pilot Training Report Province Based Training Reports (Ankara, Çorum, Antalya) Closing Report

19 Training and dissemination documents:
Web site Mobile application Short movie Training videos Online crossword applications Brochure Curriculum Book Training slides Training evaluation documents

20 The output of the project
Current State The output of the project Initial Report Needs Assessment Report Pilot Training Report Province Based Training Reports (Ankara, Çorum, Antalya) Closing Report Completed Completed

21 Training and dissemination documents:
Web site Book Mobile application Short movie Online crossword applications Training videos Brochure Curriculum Training slides Training evaluation documents Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous


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