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Theme and variations.

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1 Theme and variations

2 FrÈre jacques Starts on C Work out how to play it
Why can’t you start on the lowest C? Can you work out how to play Frère Jacques by ear?

3 TEXTURE and HARMONIC variation
FrÈre jacques TEXTURE and HARMONIC variation Can you make an accompaniment using tonic and dominant notes? Can you make an accompaniment using tonic and dominant chords? Can you add an accompaniment using tonic and dominant?

4 Play Frere Jacques in D minor
HARMONIC variation Start on D. Remember to use Bb (B flat) not B.

5 Mahler: symphony No.1 This is from Symphony No.1 by Gustav Mahler ( ) What has Mahler done to Frère Jacques to make it sound different? Can you identify how a composer has varied the theme?

6 Recreating Mahler’s variation
Start on D to play Frère Jacques in D minor. You will need to use Bb Where are there extra notes/altered rhythms? Make an ostinato from tonic and dominant notes Play as a round Think about how you will build up the texture Can you add the oboe countermelody? This is Frere Jacques in C major – you need to play it in D minor! Can you recreate Mahler’s version of Frère Jacques?

7 Intervals Count the note you are starting from as 1. Then just count up or down to the other note, i.e. We call this interval a sixth (not a 6!) D = 1 so B = 6 Can you calculate the interval between two notes?

8 Playing FrÈre Jacques in parallel motion
TEXTURE variation Play Frère Jacques in double layers Experiment with different intervals Which ones do you like/dislike? Can you play Frère Jacques in parallel motion?

9 Contrary motion Contrary motion is the opposite of parallel motion
TEXTURE variation Contrary motion is the opposite of parallel motion The parts are going in opposite directions. Can you make a mirror-image version of Frère Jacques? Can you play Frère Jacques in contrary motion?

10 Parallel and Contrary motion
TEXTURE variation Contrary motion: parts going in opposite directions Parallel motion: parts going in the same direction Always the same distance (interval) apart Frère Jacques notes CDEC x2 EFG x2 GAGFEC x2 CGC x2 Can you play Frère Jacques in parallel and contrary motion?

11 METRE CHANGE Can you then adapt Frère Jacques to fit over the top?
RHYTHMIC variation Make a triple-time tonic-dominant accompaniment that goes C-G-G Can you then adapt Frère Jacques to fit over the top? Can you play Frère Jacques in triple time?

12 Notes for F.Jacques: CDEC x2 EFG x2 GAGFEC x2 C lowG C x2 Can you make a variation on Frère Jacques using some (or all) of these techniques? CONTRARY MOTION ACCOMPANIMENT Texture variation CALL & RESPONSE PARALLEL MOTION ROUND DYNAMICS TEMPO CHANGE RHYTHMS Rhythmic variation ADD NOTES TRIPLE TIME Melodic variation SEQUENCE ACCOMPANIMENT Harmonic variation MAJOR/MINOR

13 Plan your variations using the sheet
Assessment Plan your variations using the sheet Can you create at least two contrasting variations on Frère Jacques?

14 Can you identify which techniques are used in each example?

15 Did you get it right? Variation 1: minor key, accompaniment, call and response, parallel motion Variation 2: triple time, accompaniment, changed rhythm, contrary motion, added notes Notice how both these variations use quite a few techniques at once. This is what you need to do!

16 Playing FrÈre Jacques in a sequence
MELODIC variation Playing FrÈre Jacques in a sequence Take one bar of Frère Jacques, either in C major or D minor Repeat it, moving it up or down one note each time Can you play it in parallel motion and in a sequence, at the same time? Can you play Frère Jacques in a sequence?

17 inversion Inversion is where you take out the original version of the melody, and leave behind the upside-down version Can you make an inversion of Frère Jacques? Can you play Frère Jacques in inversion?

18 It’s the same in music! So what does ‘retro’ actually mean?
‘In past times’ or ‘backwards’ It’s the same in music!

19 retrograde Try playing Frère Jacques backwards.
The last note will be first and the first note will be last! Can you play Frère Jacques in retrograde?

20 definitions The melody everything is based on
Changing the theme to make it sound different A repeating rhythm or melody The 1st and 5th notes (or chords) of the key you are in Two notes at a time: always the same distance apart Repeating a little tune up or down one note each time Moving in opposite directions Play the tune upside down Play the tune backwards An extra tune on top

21 Notes for F.Jacques: CDEC x2 EFG x2 GAGFEC x2 C lowG C x2 Can you make variations on Frère Jacques using some (or all) of these techniques? COUNTERMELODY CONTRARY MOTION Texture variation CALL & RESPONSE ACCOMPANIMENT TEMPO ROUND PARALLEL MOTION DYNAMICS CHANGE RHYTHMS Rhythmic variation ADD NOTES TRIPLE TIME SEQUENCE Melodic variation ACCOMPANIMENT INVERSION Harmonic variation MAJOR/MINOR RETROGRADE

22 Have you…. Got two or three variations Used dynamics? Done something interesting with tempo? Got one major and one minor variation? Got one variation in triple time – and one that isn’t?

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