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Nominations and Appointments Committee IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Aug 29, 2015 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Nominations and Appointments Committee IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Aug 29, 2015 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nominations and Appointments Committee IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Aug 29, 2015 San Marcos, TX

2 Nominations and Appointments Committee
Chairman - Tom Grim - John Purvis Clif Denny Joe Redfield Notes:

3 Outline Election Process Officer Terms of Office
Slate of Candidates for 2016 Motion to Ratify the Slate Motion to elect by acclamation in single candidate elections Notes:

4 Election Process The Nominating Committee will accept nominations during the month of April The Nominating Committee will communicate a slate of nominees to the CTS Executive Committee by August 15th, for ratification at the Executive Committee meeting at the end of August The ratified slate will be published in the September Analog newsletter Petition candidates will be accepted until October 15th The modified slate will be announced to section members in the October Mid Month Reminder. The election will be announced in the November Analog The elections will begin on November 1 If only one nomination is made for an office, that election shall be declared by acclamation at a meeting of the Section general membership, or the Section Executive Committee (ExCom). We intend to use the IEEE vTools election process for the election Notes:

5 Terms of Office The MGA Operations Manual states that the section may have terms of office of either one or two years The Central Texas Section has documented the choice of two year terms for its officers Section officers are term limited to four consecutive years in office The Central Texas Section has documented the choice that chapter officers must be elected every year Chapter officers are term limited to four consecutive years and a total of six years in the same position in the same organizational unit. Notes:

6 2016 CTS Officer Candidates
Chairman Leslie Martinich Vice Chairman - Austin Zhuo Li Vice Chairman – San Antonio Garrett Polhamus Treasurer Kai Wong Secretary Don Drumtra Notes:

7 Motions I move that the slate reported by the Nominating Committee be ratified. I move election by acclamation for all positions that only have one candidate after the one month period for submission of petition candidates. Notes:

8 QUESTIONS??? Thanks If you’d like to learn more about electronic services, you’ll want to attend the session on the Electronic Services being presented this afternoon by Christian Borgert (BORE-GERT) and Chip Dawson. If you miss this afternoon’s session, you can see it tomorrow morning. Now I’d like to answer your questions about newsletters and electronic services . . . (After Q&A) I’m sorry we don’t have time to answer all of your questions, but we have an abundance of expertise with us this weekend, and much of it is in the Computer Lab upstairs. Stop by and get more information anytime.

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