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IFS102: Information Skills in a Global Society

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1 IFS102: Information Skills in a Global Society
Conducting a Survey IFS102: Information Skills in a Global Society Kelly Lambert, Phoenix College Library

2 Surveys Gather data on the knowledge, attitude and behavior of the general public or specific populations. Used for the following things: Political campaigns Create marketing strategies Plan public services Many other things! Adapted from: Maryland Department of natural Resources. “Conducting a Survey.” Accessed 2010 May 27. Available from:

3 Sampling Can’t survey the entire population – so must sample the population. Randomly selected Apply conclusions to entire population Example: you only need a sip of coffee to tell if it needs more sugar, you don’t need to drink the whole cup. Adapted from: Maryland Department of natural Resources. “Conducting a Survey.” Accessed 2010 May 27. Available from:

4 What is a Survey? Set of questions that look at behaviors and opinions of the respondent. Surveys can be conducted in a few ways: Online Paper (such as mailed to them) Phone In-person Benefit of Online or Paper survey – anonymous Benefit of in-person – high response rate Adapted from: Maryland Department of natural Resources. “Conducting a Survey.” Accessed 2010 May 27. Available from:

5 IFS102: Information Skills in a Global Society
Next Steps You will be conducting this survey in person with your group – out on campus! Need to collect 10 completed surveys from randomly selected students – try to find people different than yourself (non-ACE) Talk with your group about your strategy: will one person be the recorder and another person a surveyor? Will you split the work evenly? Are you shy or outgoing? What will you say to get them to take survey? Adapted from: Maryland Department of natural Resources. “Conducting a Survey.” Accessed 2010 May 27. Available from: Kelly Lambert, Librarian, Phoenix College

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