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AMR Seminar Symposium Split, Croatia Case #63

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1 AMR Seminar Symposium Split, Croatia Case #63
Vania Nosé, MD, PhD Professor of Pathology Associate Chief and Director, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

2 Case #63 - Clinical History
The patient is a 23 year old female, senior in college with a self-palpated thyroid nodule Right thyroid: 3.0 cm, heterogeneous, mostly solid nodule, isoechoic, replacing right thyroid lobe extending from hyoid to clavicle

3 Pathological Findings
Right thyroid lobe: 22 g, 5.2 x 2.4 x 2.2 cm enlarged lobe The thyroid surface displays focal nodularity 3.1 x 2.5 x 2.0 cm tan-white to tan-pink, soft, well delineated lesion with a slightly lobulated cut surface and focal cystic areas Pathological Findings






9 Immunohistochemistry
POSITIVE: p53 & HBME1 NEGATIVE: BRAF Ki67 proliferative index is 5%

10 Non-invasive follicular thyroid tumor with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP), well-circumscribed, non-invasive, 3.1 cm No capsular invasion identified No lymphovascular and perineural invasion identified The tumor has follicular pattern Mitosis up to 2/10 HPF Final Diagnosis

11 Definition of NIFTP WHO 2017
Noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) is noninvasive neoplasm of thyroid follicular cells with follicular growth pattern, and nuclear features of PTC that has extremely low malignant potential (WHO 2017)

12 Non-invasive Follicular Thyroid Tumor with Papillary-like Nuclear Features (NIFTP)
New proposed terminology, NIFTP, reflects key histopathologic features of this lesion, i.e.: Lack of invasion Follicular growth pattern Nuclear features of PTC

13 Diagnostic Criteria for NIFTP
Encapsulation or clear demarcation Follicular growth pattern Nuclear features of PTC, score 2-3 No vascular or capsular invasion No tumor necrosis Absence of high mitotic activity

14 Exclusion Criteria for NIFTP
"True" Papillae Psammoma bodies Infiltrative border Tumor necrosis High mitotic activity Cell morphology characteristic of other variants of PTC

15 Based on available data, great majority of NIFTPs are of low risk and conservative surgical excision is adequate treatment Evidence so far published indicates that those lesions that are adequately examined microscopically do not recur or metastasize Prognosis

16 Histologic Features (1) Encapsulation or circumscription
Thick, thin, or partial capsule or well circumscribed with clear demarcation from adjacent thyroid tissue (2) Absence of vascular or capsular invasion Requires adequate microscopic examination of tumor capsule interface Histologic Features

17 The gross characteristic features of NIFTP is a well-circumscribed or encapsulated nodule, which is lighter than the adjacent thyroid parenchyma, and compresses the red-brown adjacent thyroid parenchyma (white solid arrow).

18 NIFTP Characteristics
Well-circumscription, well-demarcation, or encapsulated follicular-patterned neoplasm, with no capsular invasion are some of the criteria for the diagnosis of NIFTP. Nuclear features of papillary thyroid carcinoma (inset) must be present. No papillae should be seen

19 Histologic Features (3) Follicular growth pattern with
No papillae No psammoma bodies < 30% solid/trabecular/insular growth pattern Including microfollicular, normofollicular, or macrofollicular architecture with abundant colloid (3) Follicular growth pattern with Diagnostic nuclear score: 3-point scoring scheme Simplified and reproducible criteria for nuclear features for diagnosis of NIFTP in routine pathology practice, 6 main consensus nuclear features were grouped into 3 categories (1) Size and shape (nuclear enlargement/overlapping/crowding, elongation) (2) Nuclear membrane irregularities (irregular contours, grooves, pseudoinclusions) (3) Chromatin characteristics (clearing with margination/glassy nuclei) (4) Nuclear features of PTC: Score 2-3 Histologic Features

20 As with invasive encapsulated tumors and infiltrative tumors, the nuclei show most of the features of those in classic papillary carcinoma except that intranuclear inclusions are rare, and the nuclei often are more rounded than oval.

21 Nuclear Score 0-3 Nikiforov et al JAMA Oncology, Aug 2016

22 This diagnostic algorithm for the evaluation of encapsulated follicular-patterned neoplasms uses the evaluation of the capsular invasion and papillary carcinoma-type nuclear features differentiating NIFTP from follicular adenoma and carcinoma.

23 Multifocal Membranous HBME1 Staining
In areas of a microfollicular pattern, the HBME1 immunostain shows focal and patchy membranous staining and focal luminal-pattern staining This staining pattern is characteristic of these tumors

24 Clinical Correlation Classification is molecular driven
EFVPTC – RAS-like (not local metastasis) Infiltrative non-encapsulated FVPTC – BRAFV600E-like (local metastasis to lymph nodes) Integrated genomic characterization of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network Cell Oct 23;159(3):676-90

25 Molecular Findings in Follicular-Patterned Neoplasms This scheme demonstrates that NIFTP does not demonstrate molecular alterations associated with classic papillary thyroid carcinoma, as BRAF alterations, but shows RAS mutations which have been associated with follicular-patterned neoplasms

26 Does FVPTC still exist? Answer: YES!!!
FVPTC is an architectural entity Two types FVPTC: 1. Infiltrative FVPTC -Tumor not well-circumscribed with marked infiltration of the surrounding thyroid tissue Generally associated with BRAFV600E 2. FVPTC with capsular/vascular invasion -Consider like follicular thyroid carcinoma Does FVPTC still exist?

27 Invasion FVPTC with capsular invasion FVPTC, infiltrative

28 Follicular Variant – Two Species
RAF-like (typically have BRAFV600E mutations) Spread is lymphatic, local Bad behavior shows local metastasis to lymph nodes and potentially distant metastases IFVPTC RAS family of mutations Spread is hematogenous Bad behavior shows metastasis to distant sites Lung, Bone, Brain, etc EFVPTC (invasive, same pattern as follicular thyroid carcinoma) Follicular Variant – Two Species

29 Reduced diagnosis of follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Reduced over-treatment of indolent thyroid tumors Reduced need for consultation due to increased reproducibility of morphological features – and reduced use of immunohistochemistry Update to Bethesda FNA criteria Implications of NIFTP

30 AMR Seminar Symposium Split, Croatia Case #63
Vania Nosé, MD, PhD Professor of Pathology Associate Chief and Director, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology

31 Questions? Vania Nosé, MD, PhD
Thank you! Questions? Vania Nosé, MD, PhD

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