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Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

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1 Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Chapter 23

2 The Consumer Bill of Rights
The Right to Be Informed The Right to Choose The Right to Safety The Right to Be Heard The Right to Have Problems Corrected The Right to Consumer Education The Right to Service

3 The Right to Be Informed
Energy Guides inform us of the estimated energy consumption and the estimated yearly cost of operating the product Clothing labels provide information about what the garment is made of, how to care for it, where it is made, and what size it is. Food labels give us useful information about the food we eat

4 The Right to Choose Consumers have the right to choose from a variety of goods and services. Competition means choice

5 The Right to Safety Consumers have the right to products that are safe to use. Product Liability – the legal responsibility that manufacturers have to make a safe product.

6 How about… Warning labels Cigarette Label CD Labels ATV Label
        Cigarette Label CD Labels ATV Label Video Game Labels

7 The Right to Be Heard Consumers have the right to complain about products or services “The customer is always right” Many businesses rely on satisfying their customers to stay in business Do you have an example of a time when you complained about a product and the business responded positively?

8 Some businesses do not operate in the best interest of the customer
Bait and Switch – advertising an item at a low price to lure you into the store

9 Fraud – deliberately misleading the consumer

10 The Right to Have Problems Corrected
Many large businesses have customer service departments

11 The Right to Consumer Education
Be an informed consumer Read Consumer Reports Watch the news CBS News Consumer Alerts Comparison shop Consumer Websites

12 The Right to Service Consumers have the right to be treated in a respectful and courteous manner Consumers have the right to expect fast delivery of goods or services Consumers have the right to be served without discrimination

13 Your Responsibilities as a Consumer
As a consumer, you have the responsibility to educate yourself You have a responsibility to read information about a product and use the product the way it was intended Before making a major purchase, do your homework. Consumer Reports Read Fact Sheets

14 The Responsibility to Choose Carefully
Make comparisons to find the best product or service at the best price Find out about the product choices Which product has the best guarantee Which product fits your budget and your needs?

15 The Responsibility to Use Products Safely
Government has passed many laws to make products safe Consumers must follow the instructions given by the manufacturer for the safe use of products What is the recommended dosage? How should chemicals be stored?

16 The Responsibility to Speak Out
You have a responsibility to report unfair, unsafe, and illegal business practices Boycott (refuse to buy) the product

17 The Responsibility to Seek Remedy
You have a responsibility to seek remedy for a defective product If you plan to exchange an item or get a refund, it’s your responsibility to bring with you the item, the receipt, and any warranties or guarantees that came with the item.

18 Chapter 23 Book Work Fast Review – Page 375 #’s 1-4 Fast Review – Page 379 #’s 1-4 Using Business Key Words – Page 380 #’s 1-9

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